Remember I gushed about getting a great
bargain on a vintage dress similar to the flower
one SJP was wearing? Well, this is it and I love it!

My husband having fun with the camera and light.
Could I be more happy here?

Dress: Vintage from LovesDelightfulVintage
Necklace: Costume
Belt: Express
Bracelet: Vintage
Shoes: Nine West
Bag: Vintage Chanel

On the majestic road leading up to the restaurant.

Madserud Gård, a romantic venue hidden in the heart of Oslo.

Creme Caramel with rasberrys for Dessert.

Creme Caramel with rasberrys for Dessert.
I går kveld feiret vi vårt ti års jubileum på Madserud Gård. Det var en fantastisk sommerkveld, med god mat og drikke. Hvis du ikke har vært på MG og spist, anbefales det på det sterkeste. De har utrolig god mat, desserten var helt nydelig.
Ti år har flydd avgårde med studentliv i LA, reiser over hele verden og mange fantastiske minner. Bryllupet ifjor var den beste dagen i livet mitt, så langt. Fremdeles får jeg sommerfugler i magen av å se på mannen min. Og det beste av alt er at jeg vet han føler det samme...
Ti år har flydd avgårde med studentliv i LA, reiser over hele verden og mange fantastiske minner. Bryllupet ifjor var den beste dagen i livet mitt, så langt. Fremdeles får jeg sommerfugler i magen av å se på mannen min. Og det beste av alt er at jeg vet han føler det samme...
Last Night, we celebrated our tenth anniversary as a couple. I really cant believe its been ten years already. It actually feels like we met yesterday. When I look back, I cant believe how lucky I have been. Our relationship have travelled the world. First in LA as students, then Spain, Portugal and other European countries as tourists, and then Italy last year as honeymooners. Our journey began that night ten years ago, and I have not looked back since. I love the fact that I can still look at my husband across the room and still have those butterflies in my stomach. The best thing is that I know he feels the same way. And thats why I think Love is such a BIG thing.
42 kommentarer:
Hi Silje-Many congratulations!! You look like you had a wonderful night last night and I'm very happy for you!! I too have a wonderful husband (and 2 gorgeous boys!) and it can be hard sometimes, but you have to both work to make it good and better! Your dress is absolutely stunning, you always look so good!
Kjolen din er helt fantastisk og du ser kjempe fin ut i den ! Beltet og skoene er stunning også ! Gratulerer kjempe mye med 10 år sammen..må være herlig å være så forelsket fortsatt !
Fantastisk! Elsker fargene:) Du har de flotteste kjolene!
HI dear!
i am so happy about you! congratulations about your anniversary!!!!
you are very sweet, this dress is really awsome!
I am so in love for the movie yesterday. it´s really fantastic!
Carrie´s clothes, i can´t stop thinking....hehehe
a kiss!!!
see you,
Oh wow Silje, that's a beautiful dress! I love the belt and the shoes you wore with it as well! You look wonderful! Congratulations on your anniversary and very best wishes for the future!
Your outfit is gorgeous! Congratulations on 10 years of bliss - I wish you many more :)
you look great. love the dress.
congrats on your anniversary. thats so cute!
thanks for the nice comments on my blog.
wanna trade links?
i love the mix of sweet (floral) and spicy (black accents)
Congratulations, and happy anniversary. I'm very happy for you. I love love love to hear about happy marriages.
You look beautiful, and your dress is divine!
Happy anniversary, you look beautiful. Sounds like you have a great relationship, your description of it(and your travels as a loving couple) is pretty much what I dream for me and my boyfriend(of 3 years). I wish you all the best for the years ahead :)
gorgeous dress, loving the bow around the waist! you look beautiful! xx oh and I cant wait for those shoes to come in my mail, I ordered them online last week ♥
The dress is stunning and so are the accessories (that belt!) and your hairdo. Congratulations for the anniversary; the dessert looks really yummy :-)
Den kjolen er min drømme kjole!!! ligner sånn på en av de hun hadde på!!! Jeg vil haa:)
LOVE THE DRESS! and congrats!
mmh så herlig! gratulerer med 10år!! ;) kjempe fin kjole også! og det virker digg å spise på MG, har ikke gjort det men har veldig lyst!!!
Wow! 10 år! Gratis!
Jag älskar din dräkt. Den ser läcker ut..lik din efterrätt! Yum yum!
Wow! 10 år! Gratis!
Jag älskar din dräkt. Den ser läcker ut..lik din efterrätt! Yum yum!
Du ser fab ut, men du må lære deg forskjell på og og å!
love the floral trend!
You're shoes are wonderful, and the whole look is very inspiring, love it!
Nice find!!!
Du ser fantastisk ut!
You look brilliant and definitely has some resemblance to SJP. As to links, sorry, I don't have blogroll (((
Thank you all so very much! It was a wonderful night. I wish that all you wonderful girls will meet a guy (or is together with one) who gives you happiness and joy. Life can be hard, thats why I think its so important to cherish and celebrate the love one has for eachother. Have a wonderful monday everyone!
Jenny: I havent removed you, so your still there:-
Fashion chalet: You will be very happy I think! Love mine.
anonym: Noen ganger går det litt kjapt i svingene. Det blir skjerpings, selvfølgelig.
Happy anniversary, Silje!
You look totally fabulous in your vibrant summer dress, the restaurant seems like THE place to go, and your husband - your perfect soul match. 10 years is a pretty long time in my book:)) May it be lifetime for the two of you!
Hi Silje, Congratulations about your anniversary!!!! The dress is fantastic choice! The lovely and defined shape, the gorgeous colour and beautiful vintage feel - You look very romantic, sweet and poetic!
I love the colours of the dress, I can't wait for the summer to start! :D
Herregud så fin kjole. Gratulerer med velykket forhold! :)
love the way you wore the dress with the gladiators and the black belt, so much personality. also you looked great for SATC!
This is one of the nicest dresses I have seen all summer
It is very Carrie B!
i love these shoea! and ilove your blog
The dress is so pretty and colorful.It describes the word summer perfectly!
Nice blog!
Congratulations(: i think it's lovely to be able to get all the butterflies in your stomach even after 10years(((:
the dress is so pretty and those are nine west shoes?! gosh! they look like they cost a thousand buck or something((:
haha yupp; i'm such a shoe whore(:
Herlig kjole! Den desserten så veldig godt:)
yes lets exchange links!
Another beautiful look - and what a wonderful place to go to for your anniversary - congratulations!
Oh my...this is amazing! That dress is so fabulous.
flott kjole! og skoene er absolutt fantastiske! men hvordan fikk du de sendt til norge? nine west shipper jo ikke ut fra amerika?
u look fantastic, fabulous dress
Congrats! The dress has such a pretty print, and I adore the belt & shoes. Very pretty!
aaah u have so many wonderful clothes and u always look chic!! :) love the belt and gladiattors for contrast! :) still look lovely.. as always!
Utrolig nydelig kjole!
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