fredag 20. juni 2008

A Fedora a Day

A fedora is such a great way to play up
an outfit.

Channeling my best Carrie pose. In the movie
she picks up the magazine and dreads reading
about herself. I runned all around trying
to get a copy of this magazine, so I figured
it deserved a place in the picture.

Jacket: Zara
Tee: Gina Tricot
Shoes: Creative
Fake pearls: Thrifted
Fedora: H&M
Vogue: June 2008

Endelig fredag! På toppen av det hele starter jeg sommerferien og det skal feires med litt rosa champagne. Kjøpte denne Fedorahatten på H&M for en stund siden og har tenkt litt over hva jeg hadde lyst til å bruke den til. Festivaler er en ting, men også for de dagene hvor du ikke orker å vaske håret er denne helt perfekt. Inspirasjonen til bildet kom etter Sex and The City filmen og scenen hvor Carrie ser bladet med artikkelen om henne og bryllupet som ikke ble noe av. Mørk inspirasjon og en kjærlighet for blå toner gav denne outfiten. Ha en fantastisk helg alle sammen!

Hi Girls, how are you all doing? I was thinking of how to wear the fedora in a fresh and summery way. And of course my mind went to my beloved Zara jacket(bought in London 4 years ago). As I explained, my mind is set on blue these days! I have seen many bloggers use the fedora in cool ways, however I always find them to be a little to"dark" for my summer look. I think this is a fab look for summer and the idea came to me after seeing the Sex and The City movie. I loved the scene were Carrie picks up the magazine with the article of her, that she does not want to read. The scene is very dark, but was some of my inspiration for this summer post. Have a great friday!

44 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

This is a cracking outfit-and of course, you have the'carrie corsage' on your jacket too!! have a lovely weekend too-hope you didn't mind being tagged!!

Siljesfashion sa...

No, no just fun!! I will get to that later this weekend!

JONO sa...

heisann liker siden din. hva syns du om disse brillene

Alice sa...

Aaah, I was thinking about buying this hat;) You look great and so so stylish!


annabananna sa...

wow, silje. you look amazing! a fedora like that is right on the top of my wish list! must keep an eye open for this one.

Anonym sa...

Wow, you look great in that hat!

KamillaK sa...

Utrolig stilig!

Kristine sa...

elsker fargen på jakka!


very fun!
I wore my fedora a few days ago (I'm so behind in posting pics..) lovely style as always, Silje! ♥

Tuppene sa...

Elsker jakken din!! Utrolig kult outfit!:D

Human Racing sa...

Great outfit! Love the fedorea and blazer.

Ida sa...

The blazer is totally rocking! I love the blue shade so much. Looks amazing against your blond hair!

Madame Dior sa...

=0 your Zara jacket is gorgeous, the color is amazing!

Mimi sa...

I knew you'd look great in your fedora. And what a great ensemble you've put together - I'd never think of pairing those items together and it looks great! That's style!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Hey Silje, I haven't commented for a while but I know you've been past my pages so thank you!
I adore this jacket- I'm not normally attracted to bold colour but that is one hot blazer!
Looks like I've missed some great outfits, the maxi dress in the previous post is summer perfection.

Anonym sa...

definitely a very carrie look, but unique on you too! you wear the fedora well and blue is great so why not love it!?
oh and that was a fab vogue shoot, enjoy!

molly sa...

loove your fedora, ive been looking for one like it!

..... sa...

wow the blue coat is so burberry !!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

i really love the colour of the jacket!! and the fedora! i'm hunting for the right one myself

Miss at la Playa sa...

I love the fedora and the blue jacket

Cate sa...

blue looks real good on you, and i love the fact that you're posing with the magazine! you look really cool - especially in the first picture!

Kira Aderne sa...


this fedora is amazing, i have one like yours that is perfect for summer!

about eye cream, its very important to be always young, since too early. the ones from Avon, are cheap and good. There great ones from Lancome and Anna Pegova, it´s what i use...anna pegova is from france, but i am sure you can buy it from the net :)

a kiss!

Fashion-Obsessed! sa...

Hey! I love this out fit i think it is one of my faves that you have wore. you totally rock the fedora :)
Great post.
Check my new post, it's about summer Bikinis :)

Marte sa...

HOT! Den jakken var bare helt nydelig:)

Anonym sa...

Å så flott! :) Alltid like fin Silje!

ediot sa...

hei söte! fantastisk antrekk. håper alt står bra til med deg! jeg har endelig oppdatert på bloggen idag. håper du får en fin sankthans.
ha en fin helg. klemmer

Cait sa...

The fedora looks really cool with the pants. Really, nice.

Thanks for the note. Thanks for reading.

Ella Gregory sa...

I love that blue blazer with the printed tee. Such a great look!

Hanne sa...

Utrolig fin jakke, fresh farge:)

Danz sa...

So cool and chic! I love that jacket! I used one of your photos again for a post, have a look when you can :)

Tine sa...

veldig stilig antrekk!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Great mix! I love the blouse and that fedora of course.

Ca sa...

Lovely outfit, the jacket is so fresh and elegant.

Gratulerer med dagen på etterskudd!

Wendy sa...

You make me want one so badly because it looks so chill on you.

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

How cute! I wore a fedora today too, but it was white. Your looks fantastic. When you come out to Thousand Oaks, let me know if you'd like to meet up and go shopping!

Elizabeth sa...

I love this entire look on you: the hat and the jacket, especially.

Times of Glory sa...

Darling, I have been a busy recently and didn't have a chance to comment! Your look totally ROCKS!!!!!!!!! How sweet! The colour is to die for! I love that blue - vibrant and beautiful & of course, your great Carrie pose, sweetie xxxxxxxxxxxx

P.S. I've tagged you and hope you like it xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Pamela Tan sa...

ah i love this! u played the femininity with the bracelet and heels, but still looks so casual! :) missed your blog! :) looking great, and an inspiration as always!

Mónica sa...

I cannot believe you got that lovely fedora in H&M. I want to buy one Panama for this summer! You look great;)! that blue colour of the jacket makes you look more tan;)

Q8 fashionista sa...

OMG i love that outfit,esp the jacket and the Fedora!!!

carokal sa...

På disse bildene med hatt minnet du meg litt om Samantha i SATC

Ladybird sa...

Niiiice, Silje ;)

Anonym sa...

love this me!!!

Anonym sa...

I love this outfit! You look great!