mandag 21. juli 2008

Akris Fall Collection 2008

Beautiful grey coat

Belted waist

Long Scarves


Photos: Style

Elsker denne fantastiske kolleksjonen fra Akris. Designer Albert Kriemler har lagt vekt på rene linjer, et sofistikert utrykk og lukseriøse stoffer. Grått, kamel, sort og rustrødt er bare noen av fargene i kolleksjonen. Spesielt falt jeg for beltene i livet, de lange skjerfene, smale buksene og hanskene. Gleder meg til å bruke flere av disse elementene til høsten.

I know we still are enjoying summer, but let me point your attention to Akris Fall collection. Whats not to like about this sleek and sophisticated collection? I love the muted colors, the sleek lines, the acentuated waists and the long scarves. The simplicity and minimalist attitude of designer Albert Kriemler, is perfect for any fall wardrobe. Cashmere and other luxorius fabric will keep you warm, edgy and sophisticated for fall. Cant wait to put my own spin on it. Have a great monday everyone!

16 kommentarer:

Arielle sa...

I really liked this line too! especially the second outfit on your post

Angela sa...

We can always count on Akris for simple clean pieces. They are modern but timeless. : )

Elizabeth sa...

These looks would be perfect for you! I see why you like them. I love the long, lean coats.


Love the simple and minimal looks! Beautiful collection.

Have a lovely week!


Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

Freja! I didn't know hoe fab could be the grey and brown combo

Fashion Tidbits sa...

ah!!!! i am totally in love with this look! love all the monotone outfits, it's so sophisticated

WendyB sa...

I like the monochrome looks.

Anonym sa...

Simplicity is beautiful.

Yes, when it is is summer up in northern hemisphere it is winter in the southern hemishpere (enough of such boring stuff though).
I am actualy living in the usa at present. So it is summer for me too. I love the warm weather. The only thing I dont like is that there is no beach where I live.
I need to learn more about dressing in humid weather. Could be a great excuse to do some shopping.

By the way thanks for your comment. I hope you dont mind but linked your site.

Anonym sa...

Hemisphere - I should check my spelling before I post. Tsk Tsk

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-yes you are so right, this is a totally great collection, very inspirational and sleek! I've been inspired by your cardigan buys, I want a couple for Autumn now too!! Hope the weather is getting nicer for you too!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Beautiful choices to showcase Silje, I would wear almost all of it!

Ida sa...

Wow, those are incredible. There is not an outfit I wouldn't gladly wear. I thought I didn't like grey, and I am head over heels in love with the first set!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

I'm really liking Akris at the moment as well. And the monochrome layering is very nice and clean.

Pamcasso sa...

love the use of color, the muted shades, the pale grey.

Kira Aderne sa...

Fantastic, this blue dress in this great blue sky is heaven!!!

I love too the original from Brazil Havaianas!!! I wear mine all the time when i am home and I have some others to go out too!

a kiss my friend!
I am your huge fan!

You really looks like Ali Larter, from Heroes, did anyone tell you that?

Tricia sa...

i swear, when I have oodles of money, i'm buying lots of akris- it's made so well it'll last forever. and the lines are so simple and perfect.