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Ved Elisabeth Gilje
Photo: Renate Torseth
Dress: Vintage
Belt: Vintage YSL
Her er utdraget fra Min stil i Costumes augustnummer. Synes bildene som er tatt av Renate, ble veldig fine. Bildene er tatt i Kirkeristen, som er av mine favorittperler i sentrum. Her ligger Esaia Solberg som har byens flotteste vintagesmykker og den italienske restauranten Balthazar, som har helt fantastisk mat. Rett rundt hjørnet finner du Uff Underground, som jeg besøker jevnlig. Tusen takk for alle de hyggelige kommentarene om Min Stil, veldig hyggelig å bli profilert!
Very happy with the feature in the August number of the magazine Costume. The pictures was taken by the lovely photographer, Renate in Kirkeristen. Which is one of my favorite places in Oslo, not only for its location but also the vintage jewelry store Esaia Solberg and the best Italian restaurant in town, Balthazar. The feature is about my style, my favorite vintage buys and what items I wish for this summer and siljesfashion. Hope you like it, even though you cant read the text.
33 kommentarer:
such a lovely dress you wore! and the purple shoes look awesome.
Kunne ikke vært bedre:)
congrats! lovely:)
oo lovely spread, so professional and i love the DVF dress too
congrats! you look amazing in the picture!
beautiful! Makes me want a colorful floral dress NOW! Inspiring
Congratulations! You look stunning!
Congratulations!!! How many people can say they've had such a feature? Not many!
That's one of my favourite outfits of yours :)
Congratulations, this is so fabulous! You are so beautiful. I wish I could read the text.
This is an amazing feature. Congratulations!
that is so cool!!
It's a beautiful feature! Congratulations on the notoriety!
Oh what a great spread Silje-you look wonderful and what publicity for you-well deserved, its great!!
Thank you very much for all those supportive and beautiful comments! I would not have been here withouth your support, and your comments that always merit inspiration and put a smile on my face.
Utrolig fin den blå kjolen:)
I'm happy it is already summer
What a lovely spread - congratulations, you look so lovely!!
Kjøpte Costume idag pga deg :-) Du gir meg masse inspirasjon, både gjennom det som sto i bladet og ikke minst bloggen din som jeg er innom og leser daglig!
morsomt å lese om deg i costume :)
Thanks for your comment dear!
This is lovely.
Hi Silje-thanks for your comment earlier-check out my latest post if you can, as I was inspired by your DVF dress and comment to see what Matches had in the way of DVF dresses-they have a great sale selection!!
How exciting! You look fantastic.
Fant bloggen din etter å ha lest om deg i costume. Pløyer svenske moteblogger, men har savnet gode norske - nå har jeg funnet en! :-) Har allerede fått masse inspirasjon herfra. Er rimelig fersk i vintage-gamet. Uff underground er en av favorittene så langt, men nå skal jeg kaste meg over ebay. :-)
Så gøy Silje :)
Congratulations on the feature!
Så utrolig morsomt!
Oh wow, Silje, that's amazing! Congrats!
Hei Cecilie, så hyggelig! Veldig morsomt å se det i bladet, de hadde gjort det meget bra. Så gøy, håper jeg kan gi deg masse inspirasjon videre. Håper du legger igjen flere kommentarer!
Hege: Så bra! Leste masse svenske bloggere før jeg også, men tenkte at jeg måtte gjøre noe med dette at vi ikke hadde så mange norske. I Oslo kan du finne mye bra vintage på Tonica, Fretex eller Uff. Liker selv veldig godt ebay, og det ramler ofte ned pakker i posten min... Håper du fortsetter å følge med, og tusen takk for den hyggelige kommmentaren!
No way! You look flawless, I'm so happy for you darling. And you have to love DVF! Oh, I'll send you the coat today!
I have to agree I love the shoes they are perfect.
let me know what you think or any advice or anything
congratulations, amazing i would love to do one!! :)
thihi så kult at du har vært i costume!! ;) du var skikkelig stilig!! :)
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