My favorite blue maxidress from the 70s

Ali Macgraw in Ossie Clark. One of my
favorites and probably one of Sharon Rose
as well, a beloved Ossie Clark collector.
Yves Saint Laurent with his models in the 70s. He
created womens tuxedo and is also known for the safari
will watch this film when I am in need of inspiration.
Halston and Bianca Jagger ruled the
70s and studio54.
dresses, my dream is to own a
Halston dress from the 70s. A YSL
This blue dream of a YSL 70s dress is
from Decades, but sold. But they often
Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourgh. They were
such a classy couple of this area.
I truly feel that the originals can never be replaced.
A vintage item is worth so much more to me than
a sweater from H&M. Why? Its unique and an
original, nothing beats that. That being said, I
enjoyed Gerard Darels fall collection. It is a pleasure for the
eye. I love the widelegs, flower blouses and orange
platform shoes.
Dere som leser bloggen jevnlig har kanskje fått med dere at jeg elsker 70tallet. Lange kjoler, blomstertrykk, glade farger og fantastisk design av blant annet Halston og YSL er synonymer for denne tiden. Min mor, som var modell og designer på den tiden, sydde mesteparten av sine egne og mine klær på den tiden. Hun var en mester i design og var alltid ballets dronning med sitt fantastiske røde lange hår og flotte figur. Selv elsker jeg 70 tallet fordi de originale plaggene passer min figur. De lange kjolene, de kule mønstrene og fasongen på klærne er fantastisk. Dagens motekjedene gjør sitt beste for å kopiere stilen, men jeg synes de originale plaggene er de beste, selv om jeg også selvfølgelig shopper på H&M.
I have been a true fan of the 70s as long as I can remember. It all started with my mother, who was a model and a designer at that time. As a results, all mine and her clothes were made by her and originals. The 70s was a fun time in fashion. Colors, patterns and high heeled platform shoes, were just some of the favorites that women all over the world were wearing. The flower and floral trends are as fantastic to me now as it was then. Growing up, all I knew was this way of dressing and I counted my blessings, because I was so lucky to have my mothers closet to use as dress up when the girls came over. Her closet housed amazing cords pants, widelegged jeans, dresses and skirts, and the most amazing 70s wedding dress. It was white maxi dress, with brown and orange flowers and it fitted perfectly with my dads brown velvet suit. With so many dresses, she was always the talk of the party. Looking back as these pictures, if I was in my 20s in the 70s, I would have loved to go dancing at studio54, in my blue dress with my husband.
Hope you enjoyed this!
39 kommentarer:
I love the shirtdress. Such a crisp look!
Hi Silje-hurrah, what a fabulous post and OMG, a couple of nights ago, Chris and I were watching Steve McQueens autobiography and when Ali Mcgraw came on, I honestly thought-I must do a post on her in Ossie, as I've also seen other ossie dresses on her too!! We must have a sixth sense, its unbelievable!!! Obviously you look so stunning in your dresses-have you inherited any of your mums 70s wardrobe? that would be so cool if you have!! Plus your navy maxi dress is near on identical to the YSL sold one too!! Thanks for my mention and well done on an excellent post!!
Fantastic! and the 70s really fists you well!
a kiss my friend!
ahhhh i love maxi-dresses as well!
as you can tell from my last postt.
Den blå kjolen din var nydelig, dyp og fin blåfarge.
Oh yes I do, such beautiful dresses and I love the 70's photos and icons you chose.
This post was wonderful, it reminded me a jumpsuit my Mum had. She bought in the seventies as part of her holiday wardrobe. We were spending xmas in the carribean and we all got new clothes. The jumpsuit was slit down the back, a very light material but it had narrow stripes all coinciding with a maroon colour. I now have that jumpsuit, saldy it doesn't fit me.
Kjempebra post! Du har virkelig mange flotte skatter:)
Hello Skriv, thanks for popping by. I will keep your advice because you're right, the moment I l saw your post it took me right back to my Mum in that jumpsuit. My mum was so skinny, I'm more curvy but I will keep it. I love it so much.
I would love to switch links, in fact I've added you already.
Warmest wishes
The navy blue dress is amazing!! Bianca looks so cool in that white dress too
the first maxidress was adoreable! totally lovely, and fits you very good.
Den mørkeblå kjolen var utrolig stilig!
OMG - you are gorgeous! All of your maxi dresses are spectacular but that first blue one is sensational :-)
Love this post, great style inspiration, as usual - thanks!
Your style is always right on time.
the 70s may not work for me, but you look fabulous and picked out the best looks of the decade! the maxi (your's is the best I've seen all season), the safari (that photo of YSL & his models is so dorky and cute :), the widelegs (I'm so jealous I look bad in them, haha, they're such a great trend!), the florals (adore your floral maxi), and thanks for the cute picture of serge & charlotte, loved this post!
wow, that blue dress is just perfect on you, you can really wear any length and it looks fantastic.
Ali MacGraw and Jane Birkin, favorites of their time.
GREAT post! i also adore this era and think that first dress of yours in that deep blue is absolutely amazing!
that is a gorgeous, gorgeous blue maxi dress!!! you always look baeutiful in blue, it's such a great contrast to your hair
Oh that blue maxi dress is DIVINE! Good thing you weren't in your 20s in the 70s though, right?...I think we're about the same age.
That picture of YSL is so cool. And I love your blue dress in the first pic!
How awesome are these!!! I stole your Ali pics hehehe :)
WOW SILJE! im loving all the looks! :) esp the shirt dress.. looked so sophisticated! :) and the floral dress is LOVELY! :):)
I love Studio 54 dresses too! You're so lucky, your mother's closet sounds like a goldmine...
And your blue dress is beyond fabulous!
Fantastisk post, super inspirasjon! Jeg elsker 70-tallet selv, og leter konstant etter skatter, slik som du gjør. Fortsett med det du gjør, kjempebra blogg har du!
A lovely post, Silje, and I am still admiring the first picture. It is one of the most beautiful dresses I've ever seen, and you look flawless in it.
Hi found your blog today and just want to say i like reading your posts esp the paris trip!
I agree with you entirely about your thoughts on vintage clothing, I love it because it can't be replaced and that there is always a 'story' and history to the clothes.
You definitely wear the 70's very well- it's hard look to pull off but I'd have to say you look fab in those maxi dresses.
the look with the shirtdress is great!! I love this post, because I really like the 70s as well :)
i'm beaming. I found my muse. I usually try to leave some intelligent comments when I do my daily reading but when I stumbled across your blog I became 'thoughtless' (speechless will be more appropriate but hey I'm not actually speaking to you so..)
Anyway,, please keep inspiring me with your style I'll be following you 'Every Post of the Way'.
Kjolen på det første bildet var kjempefin - nydelig farge og flott fasong!
Hi Silje-thanks for your lovely comment earlier-I can't wait to see todays finds-they sound fabulous and I love how we are so enthusiastic for each others purchases, I really did think this post was excellent-I love to see vintage being worn and shown off and there isn't too many bloggers who do this with quality pieces, if you know what I mean? I only really know of you, me and WendyB-maybe I haven't seen other peoples blogs if they do!! We are truly cyber twins-Chris thought it was funny too!
I'm so so so in love with the 70's too! I swear, if we walked down the street together, people would think a time warp took place. I love your maxi's!
Jeg er helt forelsket i 70-tallet jeg også! Hadde vært så utrolig gøy å levd på den tida ;) Og du ser helt fantastisk ut i de nydelig kjolene dine!
You look so dreamy.. Absolutely gorgeous!
oh, lucky you! You have a lot of different dresses! All of them beautiful
this was a great post!
i love all your takes on these pieces but most of all the blue maxi dress!
i agree with the others here: what a fun post! and so many pretty clothes. thanks, silje!
You look regal in each shot!
The navy dress is so gorgeous on you (first picture) you look straight out of old Hollywood! ♥
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