torsdag 17. juli 2008

Norwegian Summer- Part one

Into the Norwegian Woods in style

I love my accessories

Shoes: Bianco, Cape: Ebay, Sunnies: Gina Tricot

In the Norwegian woods, there are an erie
sense of quit and tranquility

And the oceanfront is truly spectacular at is finest, rain or
Sometimes you witness the most amazing things.
Like the apperance of the swan. It had been on
the prowl all day, willing us to go away from the beach.
It was apperant that it had laid its nest close and was
adamant in protecting it. So, it did not like it when we
went into the ocean, it came closer and closer until we
just had to leave. It brushed its wings and gave us
several warnings, so we opted to leave. We did get
some good pictures and we named the swan, The Evil
swan. For something so beautiful, it sure is very scary.

Photos: Kathrine Stenvaag
Dress: H&M
Shoes: Bianco
Cape: Ebay
Bangles: H&M
Norsk sommer kan vel kalles luneful synes jeg. Det er alltid veldig vanskelig å vite hva man skal ha på seg, for selv om det er stekende sol en time, kan det pøseregne i neste. Det som aldri stopper å forundre meg er den fantastiske naturen og skybildene på himmelen en sen sommerkveld. Er hjemme igjen nå, men har fortsatt sommerferie, så oppdaterer bloggen innimellom.
Norwegian summertime is very strange. One day it pours rain, the other its shining sun and the third it is lightning and thunderstorms. The beauty of it, is not lost on the Norwegian people. One day you see a sunset so beautiful it hurts your eyes, another day you sit drinking hot tea in front of the fire while the wind makes it almost impossible to go outside. A common trait for the people is that we adapt and make the best of every weather situation, as long as possible. These shots were taken during both rain and into the woods in the nighttime. I hope you sense the same as we when you look at nature in play, beautiful.

19 kommentarer:

Kira Aderne sa...

you are so classy and i can´t believe that you went into the water!!!

a kiss!!!

Sharon sa...

Haha Silje-are you sure you're not talking about the British weather too? Yesterday was boiling hot and today it was cold and rainy!!
Your photos are stunning and what a cheeky swan-I think she was jealous of you being in the photos and was behaving like a diva-haha!! I love your dress too, it's nice to see black in summer.

Ida sa...

Stunning photography. I think it is the first time I see you in an LBD, and you are looking phenomenal, Silje. The shots are all incredible!

P.S. I suppose you know now why I don't like swans. They are always very hostile *lol* Not my kind of bird:)

WendyB sa...

I love those wedge shoes. And I agree with Sharon, sounds like the weather I experienced in London!

Anonym sa...

wow the white shoes with the lbd is such a great pop! and i love the photo of you in the ocean. yes, swans are quite nasty sadly haha

Tricia sa...

incredible pictures, I want to go!

..... sa...

wow u look so kate moss here !! reallly gorgeous honestly

Anonym sa...

syns du har så bra stil! :-) ramlet inn på bloggen din ved en tilfeldighet, men bra var det! gir meg masse inspirasjon og bokmerke er lagt til :-)

Anonym sa...

such beautiful shots...those ones of you in the woods is almost scary!

Times of Glory sa...

Dear, are you the swan, because you 2 both are super elegant!

p.s. I've passed an award to you :)

Lady Melbourne sa...

What great photos, I love that little gold shrug of yours with the black dress.
How lucky you were to capture the swan!

Elizabeth sa...

A brave swan indeed!

What a lovely dress you're wearing. Dresses really suit you.

Fashion Is Poison sa...

ahh i love it!

Miss at la Playa sa...

the first picture is so beautiful

Marte sa...

Så stilige bilder Silje :) Flott kjole og fint tilbehør:)


Love your amazing style!


Anonym sa...

jeij, dette er gøy og lese på :D bildene funker kjempebra, og det er vist ikke bare jeg som syns ;)hihi, litt stolt;)

Siljesfashion sa...

Det er fordi du er så flink til å ta bilder Kathrine. Synes absolutt du skal være stolt, de ble jo helt nydelige!

Siljesfashion sa...

Hei Mari, så hyggelig! Tusen takk for den flotte kommentaren.