søndag 20. juli 2008

Where Did the Sun Go?

Photos: Instyle
Regn, regn og atter regn. Da er det bare å ta pcen fatt og lete etter inspirasjon til sommer og høstgarderoben. Dere som leser bloggen, vet at jeg hele tiden er på jakt etter nye skatter til klesskapet. Nå er jeg litt lei av sommergarderoben og måtte ha litt nye ting, så jeg kan sette sammen nye antrekk. Når jeg handler på salg kjøper jeg kun ting som jeg vet holder til neste sesong eller basisplagg, som undertøy og thsirts. Igår fant jeg to lange cardigans på Cubus i grått & hvitt og jeg fikk en 70s inspirert kjole av moren min(hun var i 20 årsalderen på 70tallet og hadde en fantastisk stil med de nydeligste kjoler og velourbukser). Alt kan brukes nå, men går også fint over i høstgarderoben. Elsker jumpsuiten(Kjolen?) til Nicky Hilton i Paysleymønster, skoene til Lauren Conrad og den blå kjolen til Sophia Bush(som jeg hadde brukt med belte). Ha en flott søndag!

Woke up this morning and its pouring rain. So, I have decided to spend the day indoors looking for inspiration for different summer looks. I am getting a little bored with my summerwardrobe(that always happens ) so yeasterday I hit the sales and got some great bargains. My mum(who ruled the 70sfashion scene) got me a 70s inspired summer dress, in a lovely print. I myself, picked up two long cardigans(black &grey) for 15 dollars. The dress can be worn with the cardigans for fall, so my fall wardrobe is all in the making. I also went thrifting and found some great deals. On top of it all I ordered some stuff on ebay, so I have been busy shopping lately. Not much, but key items that will make a difference in my wardrobe. Came over these photos while looking for some new inspiration to wear some of my summer wardrobe. Love Nickys Jumpsuit(dress?)in paysley pattern, Lauren Conrads fringed shoes and Sophia Bushs blue dress(although I myself would have worn it with a belt). And yes, I am aware that they all wear blue. You see, not only do I love the color, but I most certainly got the blues in this weather.. Happy sunday everyone! PS outfit pictures will be posted later this evening.

18 kommentarer:

Ella Gregory sa...

I get bored of my summer clothes easily too. I am more of a summer person but I much prefer fall fashion.

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-Its a real pain to look forward to wearing a lovely summer outfit, only for the weather to dictate otherwise!! It sounds like you scored some really great bargains, especially the dress your mum got for you!! Love your inspiration piccys, the first one is a lovely outfit!! Hope the weather is better today-we have sun and gusty wind, no rain so far-haha!!

lara sa...

Well over here it is raining all the time and summerholidays just started, it's annoying! And I bought that many summerclothes and I can't wear thrm :(

Anonym sa...

oo sophia's dress is great! i know what you mean about the rain, yesterday in Minnesota we practically had torrential rain, I had to pull over 3 times even though I was only 5mn from home because I literally couldn't see a thing, it was scary

Dakota77 sa...

Silje, I let myself link your blog on my humble blog. I hope you don't mind:-)

annabananna sa...

oh well, summer here is equally bad. everytime there's one day of sunshine, it's raining the next day. so i wish us both more sun!
nice looks you posted there.

Kira Aderne sa...

My dear friend!

I love your clothes and you are the perfect inspiration for summer!! I am your huge fan!!
look, i just had thank you at my blog!

a kiss!

Anonym sa...

Hei, leste nettopp om deg i Costume og jeg ville bare si gratulerer! Og stilen din er verdt et innslag i costume. Keep up the good work :)

Vikkebekke sa...

Vanligvis bruker jeg litt tid på å style meg opp og kle på meg. De siste ukene har det kun vært arbeidsuniform og joggetøy. Gleder meg til å bruke klær igjen :) Vel, nå spås det ordentlig sommer i tiden fremover. Får virkelig håpe det stemmer. Er klar for å nyte litt sol, det kan godt la seg vente til sista uka i ferien. Er litt dumt med dårlig vær, da blir det litt kaldt å gå lettkledd. Krysser fingrene for soool!

Elizabeth sa...

I love rain in summer.

Those photos remind me that I have options. I know you do, too, because your wardrobe is super-cool. I can't wait to see your latest finds.

Wendy sa...

Lauren's fringe sandals are so rad.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

I love all of the blue. I wish I could spend more of my summer outside in the sunshine!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

I love the fringe shoes that lauren is wearing they are awesome.

i agree with coco about summer, I get bored with the clothing quick too it tends to be the same. Winter is much more creative!

bi-style sa...

since two or three weeks it's raining in Germany ( bielefeld)and I'm also depressed, cause I got so many summerclothes and I can't wear them!But in three days the sun will comes out.

Anonym sa...

And I love summer fashion, all these frills, romantic dresses and mini-skirts )))

Hugs from Angel

Ida sa...

Are your shops open on Sundays? Like really?? I need to move to Norway in that case *lol*

Been getting hooked on fall fashion, too, I am just in love with H&M's new stuff.

Can't wait to see the new dress, plus the cardigans.

Have a good week, Silje!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Don't get bored with your wardrobe Silje- it's a great summer wardrobe that I'm sure many people envy!

Siljesfashion sa...

Jayne: Seems like we all have some issues with the weather,glad to hear you are ok!

Sharon Rose: Much better today!

Anneli: Så hyggelig, tusen takk! Håper du blir en fast leser:-

Dakota77: Off course!

Annsbannana: Me to!

Kira: Thank you lovely!