fredag 11. juli 2008


First try without someone behind the camera,
please forgive me. Lets just say I prefer to
have a photographer.

Jumpsuit: French Connection(bought in Paris)
Shoes: Nine West
Sunnies: Gina Tricot
Bracelets: Vintage
Selv om det fortsatt er sommer, begynte jeg å planlegge høstgarderoben for en god stund siden. Idag ble jeg intervjuet av Merethe Gamst fra Spotlight TVNorge om årets høstmote og hvilke plagg du bør investere i. Intervjuet kan du se på TVNorge idag kl 1820 og 2345.
Det er fortsatt mulig å gjøre noen kupp på sommersalget. På Sten & Strøm får du mange lilla skjørt og kjoler som vil passe perfekt i høstgarderoben. På UFF fant vi lilla seconhandkjoler, skinnjakker og fløyelsblazere til en billig penge.
Gode kjøp på sommersalget som kan vare inn i høstgarderoben er:
-Blazere, svart eller grå
-Lilla, sterk rosa og sennepsgule farger
-Jeans med mye sleng (både lyse & mørke er å anbefale).På KOMA hadde de et bra utvalg på salg.
Når det gjelder høstmoten er jeg svak for 70tallsstilen som holder seg ut på høsten, dog med et litt annet utrykk enn vi så i sommer. I tillegg blir det mye svart, blonder, fløyel, blomstertrykk og sterke farger. Det kommer selvfølgelig flere innlegg om dette etterhvert. Nyt sommeren så lenge! PS: På mandag ser du meg i Min stil i augustnummeret av Costume.

I am still on vacation, so slept in this morning. Then an old colleague of mine called to see if I wanted to do a piece on Fall Fashion for TVNorges Spotlight, a TVshow which highlights celebrities and fashion. Of course I jumped at the chance and tonight you can see me on Spotlight, TVNorge at 1820 and 2345. Since I have been a tvreporter for so long, I really didnt think of it as my first TV apperance untill a friend of mine said "But honey, it is your TV debut, so enjoy it!" I just want to thank you all for your support, and for stopping by my blog.
My advice for Fall Fashion are to many to sum up in this post alone(more posts to come!). But I have aleady started to collect pieces like velvet blazers, vintage floral dresses with purple, black or green shades, lacetops and dresses, widelegged jeans, and leather jackets. My little interview with Costume(the Norwegian fashion magazine) is due monday and I just got a copy of the magazine, and it looks great! Pictures to come.

33 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

yay! thank you for posting that fabulous jumpsuit, it is a true jumpsuit in all sense of word, not a romper which can often make even the most mature fashionista look childish, rather this jumpsuit is extremely well cut, sophisticated, and classy. it kind of reminds me of that carrie outfit she wore with the politician or something you'd see in a safari! and i like your trend ideas- ill keep my eyes out for velvet blazers and vintage florals esp

AlicePleasance sa...

Oh! Congratulation for the tv show and for Costume feature!

Elizabeth sa...

Congratulations on the TV gig!

You look great with or without a photographer, by the way! I love the j-suit.

Vertiginoso sa...

Dear Silje, You're simply "James Bond-Girlesque" with these classy jumpsuit (Eeeeuuhh . . . worn next to the skin bare, "à même la peau nue" ? . . . Mmmh Mmmh sulfurous mystery ). . . !!!

A Bientôt, Antoine

Tricia sa...

congrats, wish we could watch it stateside. love the sunglasses and the jumpsuit.

Elissa sa...

Congrats! And your hair looks great by the way!

saray sa...

love the look!

hanna sa...

har du klipt håret ditt eller noe? det var veldig fint :) så deg på tv også! (tilfeldig mens jeg switcha faktisk). gode tips du kom med.

Shes Dressing Up sa...

You look so good in that jumpsuit! I'm awful at self-taking photos myself.


so you enjoyed you trip to Paris !

i am not lucky, i didn't meet you, that would have been a occasion for a great street style shooting like the blond girl in my home page

I wish you a great evening
cheers from Paris


Fashion Addict sa...

That's cool that a friend asked you to do something on TV, must be really exciting! And I can't wait to see the magazine interview!

Hilde N sa...

Kult jumpsuit!
Hva jobber du egentlig med? Så der på Elle sine hjemmesider fra SATC-premieren.
Takk for gode høstmote-tips. Jeg blir riktignok alltid så lei meg når jeg må begynne å tenke på høsten, men fint med tips da!

Danz sa...

Honestly, this outfit is PERFECT on you! Beautiful!

Congrats on the tv show!

I love velvet blazers too! I have a teal one but it's a little too big for me :(

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-your career is coming on in leaps and bounds-excellent news!! Hope the TV debut went well too!! The FC playsuit is soo cute-a great look for summer!!

Anonym sa...

Du er utrolig! fulgt med på bloggen din en stund nå, og du bare fortsetter å inspirere! Du har den beste stilen!
Klem fra en annen Silje:)

Marte sa...

Så stilig jumpsuit! Må nesten kjøpe Costume for å se deg der :)


Congratulations on both happenings! I am very curious about your interview. Jumpsuit suits perfect on you. xx

Kira Aderne sa...

Did you cut your hair?
it´s so great!!

a kiss

annabananna sa...

congratulation on both the tv gig and the interview. you seem to be really well known in fashion circles in norway :) that jumpsuit is amazing, you wear it just right. and i don't mind the lack of a photographer, your pictures are cute.

meowi sa...

ah the jumpsuit is really cute{

Lady Melbourne sa...

Lovely jumpsuit Slije!
And what a great Paris trip you had, thank you so much for sharing it with us. You make dressing while travelling seem like a breeze, very inspiring for my next trip abroad.
Congrats on being on TV as well!

Pinton sa...

Så artig da:) jeg hr alle costume bladene fra det kom ut! og dt er det eneste jeg kjøper.. Artig å se deg der!:)

ediot sa...

gratulerer så mye. med alt! så herlig og fantastisk!
elsker jumpsuiten din. den er fab på deg! ønsker deg en fantastisk søndag.

NewlyInspired sa...

AWesome outfit! Can't wait to see the photos :)

Pamcasso sa...

lovely, more minimalist than your usual style I think. Congrats on the show!!

Mira sa...

Hei Silje!

Jeg kjøpte Costume og så deg der! Utrolig morsomt!

Pamela Tan sa...

wow congrats to you! waiting for that post! :):) and perfect jumpsuit thre! <3

(yeah, its hard taking pics alone, which i do all the time, since i get it before i leave my place.. but i cudnt tell cos u still look nice!)

Litt deg, litt meg sa...

Så fin den jumpsuiten var!

Tine sa...

så deg i costume idag, stilig! :)
elsker stilen din

alis sa...

I looovveee the jumpsuit, with the sunnies and sandals and of course your gorgeous blonde hair. You look like you are a model at the backstage of a fashion show!
Congratulations on your TV appearance, you are making your way into being a reputable fashion critique!

Mónica sa...

I so love this jumpsuit! you look lovely; and it's hard looking so nice in one of those!

Siljesfashion sa...

Hei Silje, tusen takk! Så hyggelig.

YouSaidHello sa...

wow cool ..and your outfit really rocks! =) summer summer suuuumer ;)