tirsdag 29. juli 2008

Under The Norwegian Sun

Inspiration for the shot: Japanese girls
running all over the city with umbrellas to
avoid the strong sun. Quite clever I think.

The dress is the (new) vintage dress from
the same seller as I got the Oscar de la Renta
scarf, and I could not be more happy about it.

The dress was a steal of ebay and perfect
for a hot summer evening.

Remember when Carrie wore that white
umbrella in an Episode of SATC? I must say
I loved that look, so when I got this umbrella
for one of my Bachelorette parties last year,
I was very happy. Such a fun look.

Dress: Vintage from TheRooVintage
Shoes: Creative from ebay
Belt: Old studs from Lindex
Bracelet: Vintage
Umbrella: Gift
Sunnies: Oliver Peoples
En av vintagekjolene jeg kjøpte på ebay i forrige uke. Perfekt selger, utrolig bra service, så absolutt å anbefale. Elsker snittet, fargene og 50tallsfølelsen. Blir mange kjoler i denne varmen,
orker ikke være så utrolig kreativ når det er så varmt.

This is the vintage dress I bought from the same seller as the Oscar de la Renta scarf. And of course I love it! The colors, the fit and the huge skirt, perfect for a I am sorry all of my last posts have been about dresses, but its so hot here, I cant really imagine wearing anything else. Just wanted to have some fun with the umbrella, hope you enjoy it!

34 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

I love your dress posts!. You inspire me to be more bold with dress choices and embrace colorful prints. You look beautiful as always in this one.


Always In Style sa...

I love this dress, and esp. love the idea of an umbrella as a way to shield the sun...it's a fun retro way to add another bit of style to your ensemble. :-)

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-our 6th sense is sharing floral dresses I think!! This one is absolutely gorgeous-I love the vibrant colours and the styling-I would have this too!! A great find indeed, well done!

Anjeanette sa...

Great dress. The umbrella's a nice touch!

Tricia sa...

love the umbrella carrying - sometimes I feel like sunscreen just isn't enough. great dress.

bi-style sa...

It's such a beautiful dress!And a nice umbrella;)cute

Kira Aderne sa...

I love your dress, you are fantastic!!!
This umbrela is so charming :)))

a kiss my friend!

Anonym sa...

i love umbrellas too and this one with little polka dots is so fun!

Anonym sa...

Utrolig smashing dritlekker ! jeg får nøye meg med hawairoser på balkongen :-)

Arielle sa...

i love the dresses I find on ebay i'm just always so worried that it won't fit properly. I like the idea of the umbrella too it's a fun accessory to add to a dress shoot

Anonym sa...

don't bother apologizing for posts about dresses, dresses are amazing, post on them all you want! haha you look lovely, quite a fun pattern :)

Mimi sa...

Another exquisite dress!!!
I can't believe I didn't have your blog on my list...it doesn't make any sense since it's by far one of my favourites - you're there now :)

saray sa...

Stuning dress- i'm inlove

Elizabeth sa...

You definitely have the best strapless dress collection I've ever seen! I love this color combo, too.


Economy of Style sa...

Love it, umbrella and all!

Hilde N sa...

Du har så vanvittig mange fine kjoler!!! Sjalu :)
Veldig moro å se på de fine bildene på bloggen din! Keep up the good work!

Anonym sa...

i'm new to your blog and i love it! great looks, and you wear them well. -danielle
p.s. i love oslo and norway!!

Mónica sa...

I really adore your dress, it's lovely! I also think Rodin Museum gardens are one of the best in the city!

Lady Melbourne sa...

It's perfectly cute Silje just like you!
No problem helping you out, happy to be of help to other bloggers out there!

Hanne sa...

Nydelig kjole!

Dana (MODAna) sa...

you are awesome at prints


Your dress posts just prove that it's the perfect outfit for Summer and you look so pretty wearing those. Love the idea of the umbrella.

Anonym sa...

Hei! Det hadde vært supert om du kunne ha laget en post om hvordan en kan kle seg kult, men behagelig under øyafestivalen. Det er meldt regn og dårlig vær, så jeg har lyst å holde meg varm og tørr, men også se kul ut. Ser for meg at du har noen gode tips på lur ;-)

Couture Carrie sa...

oh you are just fabulous! That dress is so you - the cinched waist, floral, knee-length - perfect!

annabananna sa...

you just look fab, slje. ther's nothing more to say here :)

Siljesfashion sa...

Hei Meliwe, jeg har allerede laget to poster om dette, en i Juni og en i juli. Den i juni het festival fashion, så du kan bare søke den opp. I Intervjuet med kvinneguiden under in the media, gir jeg også en del gode råd. Håper du får det fantastisk på Øya!

Irma: Tusen takk! Høres ikke så værst ut akkurat.

Hilde: Haha, det er bare å begynne å shoppe på ebay, som sagt kjøper jeg de fleste for rundt 100 kroner. Men for meg er de slevfølgelig verdt mye mer!

Arielle: What I do is that I measured my self properly and then compare it to the measurements of the dress. This has worked very well for me. It even worked with my wedding dress, all but 2 dresses I ordered have been unaltered.

Danz sa...

Oh Silje...that dress is PERFECT!!!! I love, I want haha!


The dress is so gorgeous! It fits you perfect! Love the print as well :-)


Ca sa...

Ooooh, fantastisk kjole! Very Carrie-esque, haha, elsker at du kler deg opp til hverdag. Det er mennesker som deg som virkelig inspirerer. Keep up the good work!

Og jeg vil ha sånn paraply!

Times of Glory sa...

Silje, you look freaking beautiful! That is a truly statement sundress and it fits you like a glove! You look absolutely amazing in it! With that pretty umbrella, you will rock everyone's heart xxxxxxxx

Songy sa...

hey certainly you're rocking my heart! perfect fit? Yes, gorgeous shades? yes, glorious umbrella? yes, great shoes yes yes yes.. I love those sandals? where from?


Ida sa...

I don't think I "know" anyone with a more fabulous and abundant dress collection than you, Silje. You always inspire me to rediscover the beauty and versatility of a dress. Keep it coming!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola sa...

Umbrella is my must-to-have for this summer, i love the beautiful retro fashion touch of your outfit.


AlicePleasance sa...

Gorgeous dress! You look great with strapless styles :-)