mandag 7. juli 2008

Letters from Paris- Day 3

So, on the third day I forgot to take an outfit shot during
the day. Thats why I am starting with what I was wearing
for dinner later on.
Right outside our hotel on Avenue de Suffren. We had so
much fun doing this, people stopped and stared and
we were just goofing around.

Jacket: Zara
Skirt: H&M
Tshirt: Gina Tricot
Belt: H&M
Shoes: Nine West
Handbag: Zara
Mood and Scenery: Priceless

The Metro. The heart of the city, as it will
take you anywere, and save your swollen
feet. Remember to get that Metro card.

Filled with expectations and ready to go.

On day three we started out with the Invalides.
Remember to get the museum passes if you are
seeing more than three. It gets you in front of
every line and you save sooo much time, its
totally worth it.
For me it was enough to see it on the outside, so
I will leave you with a detail from the inside, while I
spent two blissfull hours at the flea market two blocks
away, which I accidentially stumbled across.
Flea Market

On a sidestreet to the Invalides, I saw many
people and tons of antiques. My heart raced
and I shopped the biggest flea market I have
ever seen for 2 hours.
My advice for flea market shopping:
-Hassle over price. Its never the price they say, they
expect you to step up to the game.
-Come early or late, depending on what you are looking
-Be prepared to fight over items you really want.
-Never put things down if you want it, if someone picks
it up its gone.
-Be careful of smells like smoke in furniture & clothing, it
will never completely disappear.
-Know your pieces. Then you will not pay more than its worth.

My mental shopping list:
-I collect china from the 1920s, 40s and 70s.
-Glasses and vases from all periods
-Perfume bottles,
-espresso sets,
-candle holders
-old posters.
-shoes, scarves, handbags and jewelry.
This flea market had it all, except clothing. Beautiful
furniture, glasses, dishes, jewelry, scarves and all other
things you can imagine.
I found some amazing perfume bottles, which
I collect, so I was happy. They did not let
me take any close up pictures, which I found
weird, but oh well. I also found some great
french posters, that will look perfect in
my study.
Tip: Local jewelry are often inexpensive and
fun. And is it not a lot of fun to get to say
"I bought this necklace at a flea market
in Paris"?
So much to see, so little time. I really enjoyed
this unplanned diversion. We were supposed
to go to another flea market the day after this,
but this was great as I can focus on vintage clothes
shopping tomorrow.

After all this, we needed a pastry break. The macarones
in different colours were heaven in disguise and a perfect
feast in sugar.
Musee Rodin & D`Orsay
Next stop was the Musee Rodin and the
famous thinker statue. The statue stood
in the most beautiful garden I have ever seen.
So I had to sit down for a moment and just
admire its beauty. If you are not interested
in going for the art, the garden is an experience
in itself and you can get in for a very small fee.
On the way to our next stop, we walk by this shop, which
unfortunately for me, was closed. I really wanted my own
blended perfume and I have heard this is the best place to get
it. Annick Goutal is supposedly the best perfumemaker in town.
Inside the Musee d`Orsay

One of the beautiful pictures of Claude Monet

Dinner & Wine in the city

Ready for some more excellent french cousine.
Let me tell you, we shared a platter of cheese every
day as a starter before our evening meal, accompanied
by a local wine or champagne. Heaven indeed.

Todays tip: Get up as early as you manage on city breaks.
I find it better to just keep going and rather have a
one hour relaxation in the afternoon. Indulge yourself
and get pampered by getting a massage or a foot

Remember to just sit and enjoy the view of people
passing by. Soak up on the adventure of exploring
another city and its treasures.

After an indulgent meal, we settled for some homemade
sorbet as dessert. A good choice.

Tomorrow: Louvre, Notre Dame, Saint-Chapelle & Vintage shopping.

32 kommentarer:

Marte sa...

Fint antrekk:) jeg vil også til Paris!

Sharon sa...

I'm so enjoying your posts Silje-they're fantastic! I bet you were in 7th heaven when you saw the flea market-I would love to have gone there!


what a WONDERFUL vacation
*wish I were there!!*

Thanks for your comment, love. xx

Anonym sa...

oo its so much fun seeing we both did! :) i wish i had certain flea market goals it would've made browsing the few i did stumble across much better. still i can live vicariously through your awesome purchases! i also saw orsay and really loved it, the building itself is so wonderful its almost like a plus that the art is great too haha. and i had some phenomenal homemade sorbets on my trip too, yum, did you ever make it to berthillon the famous ice cream parlour on île st. louis? heaven!

Anonym sa...

it's funny you mention you have no idea how the french aren't fat because I had the same thought! i think it's because of how walkable that city is, we walked miles daily, it was insane. but also (i dunno if the cafe culture is similar in Norway??) I like how you're basically forced to sit down and eat, there is no grab-&-go except for McDonalds which is American anyway. You have to appreciate your food, and the portions are less huge compared to everywhere else. But there is this incredibly famous and popular diet book called French Women Don't Get Fat, except its not exactly a diet book, but a lifestyle change book. I read it once, out of curiosity more than anything, and basically the author stated that the French just are used to the sensuous pleasures of meal- they sit down and truly smell and taste it, plus it helps that they buy only fresh seasonal ingeidents as opposed to processed foods. The rich fresh produce and ingredients, makes them have no longing whatsoever for fatty fastfoods. And they don't believe in deprivation (as you probably noticed), that way they feel satsified and never truly binge eat. it was actually rather fascinating to read. but i think the excessive smoking in france unfortunately helps as well :(

hanna sa...

kjempefine antrekk du har pakket med deg til paris ;) ser ut som om du har hatt det bra også!

AlicePleasance sa...

I'm really enjoying these letters from Paris! Can't wait for the "next episode" ;-)

Pamcasso sa...

I hope you are having a fabulous time there! you look gorgeous as usual!

carokal sa...

Du passer godt inn i Paris, Silje :)

Anonym sa...

Dette er så nydelig og fascinerende å se på :)

Dotti sa...

Oh gosh! I wanna go to Paris. Now. Instantly. In a second. And you make it look even more attractive.

Tricia sa...

the t-shirt with the skirt is great, as are the street shots!

Mimi sa...

My favourite photo is the 4th one from the end :)
Love that skirt and scarf.


I just read in another blog how you asked French girls if you could take chic photos of their clothing. They said no?? Wow that is mean. :( I would have done it anyway.. lol.. when they didn't see me. But maybe they were jealous because I am sure you are much prettier and more stylish!! LOVE xx

NewlyInspired sa...

Major jealous of your trip! Looks like TONS of fuN!

Always In Style sa...

Oh boy - LOVE this outfit - you are drowning me with style inspiration!

bi-style sa...

I thank you for the lovely Paris photos! Now I can dream about my own Paris-Fashion_trip!!!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

That blue little jacket is really wonderful. Loving the posts about the city as well. I want to travel with you!

Anne sa...

Hej Silje! Virkelig gode indlæg fra Paris, jeg håber på selv at få mulighed for at rejse derhen en dag. Jeg tænkte på noget andet, ved du, hvad der blev af fine Agathe og Stylebytes? Det er ikke, fordi jeg vil snage i hendes privatliv og så videre, men jeg syntes, hendes blog var virkelig god, og jeg undrer mig bare meget over den pludselige forsvinden for et par måneder siden. Hav det godt! :)

Anonym sa...

that flea market looks divine! though i'm not complaining about the one i frequent on a weekly basis, it's nothing compared to the ones in which you visited! it sounds like you're having a blast and i absolutely adore your photos! xo

Ella Gregory sa...

I am in love with your style! I was wondering if you would let me use one of these images for my upcoming shoe post?
You would be in good company, next to the likes of the Olsen twins and Gwyneth Paltrow.
Let me know if it is ok with you.

Kira Aderne sa...

How i love Paris!
So good you are having the best fun the world!
great shots!!!

a kiss!!

drittfjes sa...

fiine antrekk!! + fine bilder. En dag skal jeg til Paris også!

Molly :] sa...

Your blazers so gorgeous! Very Jil Sander. Your trips sound so fun, and im enjoying your posts about Paris.
Have a good time! :)

Nothing sa...

Aww how fun! You look great! I love the blue jacket!

Michelle sa...

Your pictures of Paris are great! Love your blog!

Camilla Didriksen sa...

Så masse herlige bilder :)

Kimberley sa...

Stunning outfit.
I adore the fringe bag!


Q8 fashionista sa...

great post,i really enjoyed it ;)

have fun hun <3

Anonym sa...

Så mange herlige bilder! Jeg er misunnelig! Nydelig!

Anonym sa...

love the clashing prints of the skirt and the scarf!

alis sa...

Maybe us readers should create a fund and send you to cool cities all around the globe, and then read about your adventures :) That's how much I enjoyed it!