mandag 28. juli 2008

Jovovich-Hawk Summer Collection

Jean Wrap dress 475 dollars at netaporter

Wrap top, 190 dollars at netaporter.

Dress on sale for 212 dollars at netaporter

Silk Jumpsuit on sale for 262 dollars at netaporter

For vintage lovers: Gunne Sax at Sleepyheadvintage

Liker veldig godt sommerens kolleksjon fra Jovovich-Hawk. Kjolene og toppene minner om vintageplagg, og det er ikke så rart, siden designerne bak selv sier at de har hentet inspirasjon fra original design fra bla 70tallet. Seconhand og vintageshopping er ikke noe for alle, og igår fikk jeg forespørsel om hva man gjør hvis man ikke liker den form for shopping. Mitt råd er å kjøpe noen få originale plagg(som de over) og blande med Zara og H&M plaggene du sikkert allerede har i garderoben. Dette skaper en flott inviduel stil. Liker spesielt denne blå kjolen, men den er desverre ikke på salg. Kjolene kan du bruke med en cardigan med belte i livet til høsten og blusen enten med en langermet tshirt under eller en svart lang cardigan løst over til slengjeans eller skjørt. Hva synes du?
I love the Jovovich-Hawk collections. Maybe its because they remind me so much of real vintage pieces. Take the blue dress, is that not something you could find while thrifthing? Of course, that is not for everybody and last night somebody asked me what the next best thing was. My answer is to buy individual pieces that go well with each other. If you buy expensive, be sure that the items are of good quality and dont buy "trend" items. When I look through the sales I always buy the basics(tshirts, underwear, jeans) or one or two expensive items that I know will stand the test of time. For example, all of the pieces I have picked out here, are things you can use now, throughout a part of fall and next summer. My favorite is the polkadot top and the blue dress, which sadly are not on sale. I would wear the dresses for fall with a cardigan and a belted waist. What do you think?

25 kommentarer:

Times of Glory sa...

Dear, thank you so much for this great style post! I haven't checked their collection yet! However, the 3rd picture has really caught my eye on! The silvery colour looks very different! It can be really nice under the sun xxxxxxx


There is some kind of Diane Von Furstenberg's inspiration in this collection, no? But you're right, I feel like wearing the blue one.

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-a great post, this collection like you so rightly say, is soo vintage inspired!! I love the silvery grey dress, it has a great vibe and I love your idea to pair a dress with a cardi and belt for Autumn! I hope to do this too, instead of slipping on jean all the time-haha!!

Unknown sa...


you are fantastic!!!

a kiss for you, my dear friend!

god bless u dear

can we exchange our link

r u ready to do?

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Those are lovely pieces. I do wish designers garments were cheaper, or I had more money! Ah, one day maybe...

Arielle sa...

i'd like the blue dress minus the ruffles . Don't get me wrong I like my fair share just not down the whole dress. The color and pattern is gorgeous tho

Tricia sa...

i love the last look, and really like the Jov Hawk too - i have a hard time buying vintage as i'm just too big for it.

Anne sa...

Hej Silje! Jeg har givet dig en blog award. Læs begrundelsen på min blog.

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

I'm totally loving this collection, the hippie touch in all the Jovovich-Hawk dresses is great

Economy of Style sa...

These pieces are attractive. I certainly agree with your suggestions to expand the use of certain pricey items.

Anonym sa...

yea none of these are overly dated, but they do have a fun 70s vibe, you'd look great in that gray wrap dress :)

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

I looove the collections, and on sale, they are so affordable!

Style Spot sa...

Å så koselig å høre! Har en helt super sommer så langt..som du sier: det finnes ikke noe bedre ;) håper du også har en herlig sommer? har bare lyst til å si til deg at jeg er så glad for at jeg vet om bloggen din for jeg får så mye inspirasjon fra deg og dine poster!

elsker den blåe kjolen jeg også, kunne gjerne tenkt meg den!



I think it is a neat idea to combine a dress with a cardigan and belt for autumn!


Anonym sa...

if only these pieces were a bit more affordable, they're exactly what i'd wear every single day! i love the picture with the boots.


You're welcome, and thank you!
PS: Love the last dress son the girl with the boots. So cool!

Camilla Didriksen sa...

Så UTROLIG mye fint.

Elizabeth sa...

The Jovovich-Hawk girls have great taste, and their lines sell out at Target in my neighborhood. They know what works!

Songy sa...

polka dots and vintage.. go along well together don't they.

your post reminds me of the movie 'Some like it hot' with Monroe.

xxx songy

Dana (MODAna) sa...

definitely going to wear more dresses this fall than last
I don't like anything off the jovovich hawk line, btw
I think they peaked with target! seriously

Ella Gregory sa...

I still don't own any Jovovich-Hawk but I always love their collections. I need to get a dress by them!

Anonym sa...

Very sweet line, very feminine. I imagine it will do well. I can't believe it's so hot there!! It's not a place where air conditioning is the norm so it must be challenging to cope with. Let's keep in touch, I will let you know when I'm coming.

Couture Carrie sa...

Very pretty and feminine!

Always In Style sa...

I really love the last two pieces -- they look so cool and fresh!

NewlyInspired sa...

LOVE LOVE LOVE! I'm checking online now. :)