Beklager at jeg lot bloggen i stikken et par dager for å dra på en liten byferie. Fra imorgen kan dere lese om vår fantastiske tur til Paris, dag for dag. Jeg lover dere mange gode shoppingtips og flotte bilder fra verdens mest romantiske by. Stay tuned!
Hello everybody! You might be wondering were I went over the last few days, and of course the answer is Paris. I have had a wonderful time, and tomorrow I will post the first pictures from our holiday to the City of Light. I did not bring my computer because I wanted a real vacation, but I promise you some great pictures & stories. Hope you all are doing well, and are having a great day.
10 kommentarer:
Glede meg til å høra shoppingtips og se bilder!
Skal nemlig til Paris sjøl om noen få dager:)
Wow, you're home?! I thought you were off for at least 2 weeks or more. Good to have you back, dearest Silje. Can't wait to see pictures from your adventures:))
How exciting. I can't wait to see photos!
Oooh, I can't wait for some stylish Paris goodness :-)
Hi Silje-Can't wait to see and hear of your trip-I bet you had a heavenly time! Looking forward to the next installment!!
Gleder meg til å lese! :)
Åh, hørtes kjempedeilig ut! Heldige Silje, jeg gleder meg til å lese, for jeg har lyst å overraske kjæresten med en liten Paris tur ;)
every front row fashionistas are in Paris..i hate all of you!
I've always wanted to visit Paris and I cannot wait to see the fabulous outfits you wore in the City of Lights!
great to have you back, silje! can't wait for the photos!
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