fredag 4. juli 2008

Letters from Paris -Day 1

Paris, here I come!

How to travel in style when in the early morning
hours. My flight get up are always jeans and
layers. Its colder on the airplane, so throw a
cashmere blanket in your carry on, just in case.

Lifesavers: Sunglasses (to hide those puffy eyes)
cream, cleanser, lipgloss, mascara
(with the restrictions for travellers, buy a minikit
or make your own with bottles from H&M), water,
cashmere blanket, gum, travel sickness and
headachetablets, ipod and magazines.

Travelling is all about waiting, so make sure
to bring something to entertain you. If you
bring something you love, like jewelry, put it
in your carry on. Never let it out of your sight.
As I have experienced the loss of suitcases
before, I never travel without a carry on and a
set of change.

Magazine heaven and a way to kill time.
Photos: Kathrine Stenvaag
Lets go!
Jacket: Zara
Pants: H&M
Shoes: Bianco
Sunnies: Gina Tricot
Necklace: Vintage from ebay
Tshirt: Koola anna
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Carry on:? Old.

First out: Lunch and the Eiffel Tower. Be sure to make the first day a light day, dont burn all your candles right away.

Tour Eiffel, Champ -de-Mars. 7th Arrondissement.

The Bar on the First floor. Cappuchino heaven.

Standing in the middle of first floor looking down.

The view from the first floor towards Ecole Militaire.

View from the second floor. The building with the gold on
top is the Invalides, Napoleons grave.

Oslo, really??

View from the third floor. Not for people who are afraid of
heights, like me.

Parc Du Champ -de-Mars. Such beautiful
scenery. Take time to apprciate the beauty
of buildings and architechture.

Place Joffre

Top: Vintage
Sunnies: H&M
Jeans: Seven for all Mankind
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Shoes: Italian. Bought on our honeymoon in Italy
last year.

Finally lunctime!

An excellent restaurant on Avenue de Suffren, very close
to our hotel. Highly recommended, great french cusine.
Remember that the French eat between 12 and 14, but you
can always find something thats open.
Pricerange: Middel

A Fiat! This was so funny, we had to document it.

In case you were wondering how small it really is..

Eiffel by Night. Highly recommended for
a romantic evening stroll.

Useful information:
-Make sure you find out were your Metro stations are, you will be using it a lot. Buy a metro card for the days you will need it.
-Familiarize yourself with the city, what is in walking distance and what do you want to see.
-Good restaurants are always filled with the natives, so be sure to look for just that.
-Make a plan, prioritize what you want to do. If you are several travelling together, split up or compromise.
-We went to the Eiffel Tower in the early afternoon and it was very few people in line, compared to what we expected.
-Pack light. Bring seperates that goes well together and nice dresses. Remember, you willl most likely shop and bring things home with you.

Of course we went out to a wonderful restaurant in the evening. However, all were so tired that no pictures were taken, but we did have a wonderful meal at a small french restaurant called Le Sept-Quinze, at a street close to our hotel.
Tomorrow: Shopping at Champs-Elysees.

25 kommentarer:

Ida sa...

Wow, so many tips, Silje:))) I need to visit Paris some day, really! The shots from the tower are totally breathtaking, and if they really have lunch around 2pm, I am gladly joining in.

Loving those wide legs on you!! And the title of the post:))

Hanne sa...

Herlige bilder, og herlige antrekk! Har aldri vært i Paris, men får veldig lyst til å dra nå:)

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-I'm soo excited to read this-its like waiting for my favourite tv programme to come on-haha! Firstly, stunning photos-I love all the Paris shots, particularly from the Eiffel Tower. I love your blow by blow account of the day-its sounds like you had a wonderful experience-this blog is ideal to showcase this, for you and others-well done!!

Kira Aderne sa...

wow, wow, wow!!!

so lucky you in Paris!!!
great tips and pics!!!
Paris is a dream!

a kiss

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you girls! As always your words mean so much to me. I hope I gave you some advice, if you ever go to Paris. The most romantic city and a perfect city break.
Xoxo Silje

Mimi sa...

So glad you had a chance to visit Paris :)
One day it will be my turn! ;)

I love your floral top! I had the same jeans, but they recently ripped and I had to get rid of them :(

..... sa...

oh please wait for me !!!!!!!!!!! im jealous !! what the hell are u doin there !!?

Fashion Tidbits sa...

oooo you are so lucky you're in Paris!!!!!! so jealous! :P

Alice sa...

Paris is beautiful city. You took nice pictures:)

Your outfit is great and stylish as usually:)

Ella Gregory sa...

I love the wide-legged jeans with the blue jacket, it reminds me of something MK Olsen wore in 05 which I still love!

Renate sa...

Jeg er så misunnelig på deg, vil også til Paris:D Du ser fantastisk ut!

Marte sa...

Herlige bilder!


I love both outfits!!! ♥
Great jacket & jeans. Wonderful vacation. I NEED TO GO THERE SOMEDAY! Lovely!


As a Parisian girl I love to see pictures of my city taken by foreigners on vacations. Love the views from the Eiffel Tower and I wonder why I don't go there sometimes. I'm glad that you have a nice trip.

Vertiginoso sa...

Dear Silje, you simply are a precious spring of advices for your "fashion-colleagues" !!! Because The Fashionista is intrinsically Elegant and comfortable in all circumstances . . .
Have a nice Time in Paris !!!

A Bientôt, Antoine


Thanks for your visit and comment. I listed you on my blogroll. Have a great week-end.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

You travel so chicly! I want to come along. I've never been to France.

Hilde N sa...

Fantastiske Paris!!!! Elsket byen selv også. noen bilder på min blogg også!

... sa...

Hi from Paris !
I am glad to see you enjoy your travel to Paris !
Nice pictures

Fred the Mole

Easy Fashion in Paris

Elizabeth sa...

I knew your photos of France would be beautiful!

bi-style sa...

your style is amazing you're a great inspiration and I love your blog! I added you!

alis sa...

the floral top + vintage chanel bag = perfection.Thanks for the tips, I ought to visit Paris someday!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

You look so fantastic! I need to plan a trip there now!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Great travel tips, your photos are so beautiful, they make me want to visit Paris! The food looks delicious and the flea markets sound amazing. It looks like you had a great vacation!

Anonym sa...

I love your blog. I've been to some all the places you've blogged about in Paris. It's very beautiful. I loved the 400 year old streets and all the cheap clothes for sale. You're very hot by the way. Look me up some time.