lørdag 14. juni 2008

All time Favorite Movie: Dirty Dancing

Can you ever forget this scene, when Johnny and Baby
dance to the song"I had the Time of My Life".

Cut off denim ala 1987 and so hot right now, 21 years later.

Photos: Starpulse
Fredagskveld og det er på tide med et lite besøk tilbake i tid, rettere sagt 1987. På hitlistene lå "I had the time of my life" og Dirty Dancing var den hotteste filmen på kino. Filmen, som skapte en generasjon dansere, handler om kjærlighetshistorien mellom Johnny og Baby som kommer fra meget forskjellige bakgrunner. Patrick Swayze var den svarte rebellen med kul skinnjakke, mens alle jentene ville ha den uskyldsrene stilen til Baby med avklippede jeans og hvit skjorte. Og idag er denne trenden på moten igjen, dog med en litt annen vri. Favorittscenen min er den siste hvor de danser sammen og selvfølgelig replikken "Nobody puts Baby in a corner". Hva synes du? Elsker eller hater filmen? Og hva er din favorittscene?

So, its friday night and its time to revisit the past through my all time favorite movie. Let me take you back to the year of 1987. When the song "I had the time of my life" ruled the charts. The movie Dirty Dancing catapulted a generation of dancers and made Patrick Swayze the hottest man to walk the planet. We wanted to dance and be in love like Johnny and Baby. The movie tells the love story of a couple that comes from very different backgrounds. It is both a treat for the eyes and the ears, as the dancing and the music are truly magical. Its fashion impact was not lost on thousands of girls that wanted Babys cut off denims and classic white shirts. And Patrick Swayze as the ultimate rebel with that black leather jacket and a flair for drama. Always in black and working that hot body on the dancefloor. This is probably one of my best memories from that year. Do you love it? Hate it? Or havent seen it????? Let me know girls, its time to dish. Whats your favorite scene? Mine is the last dance when they finally dance together to the coolest tune ever. And of course the best line ever "Nobody puts Baby in a corner".

20 kommentarer:

Times of Glory sa...

I love Dirty Dancing! It is a movie with SOUL! I watched it several times from DVD to on tele! I went to the threater as well! Honestly, I love the whole movie and it was the first movie that I felt so much fashion and love inspiration x

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Great post
thanks for bringing memories back
it's one of my favorite movies too.

Pamela Tan sa...

i was such a little kid when i watched this movie! like u said, at age 4 - all i wanted to be was to fall in looovvee!! :) haha patrick is so popular those days no? the "ghost" w/ winona was also my fave back then... *sigh*

have u seen the remake / or part2 of dirty dancing? its also great and patrick was also there! :):)

Lady Melbourne sa...

Great post Silje, you should include pictures of yourself wearing outfits from your favourite scenes. You seem to have so many pretty dresses surely you have one like Baby's in the picture?!
Just a thought. I love the soundtrack to the movie as well, it's on my ipod.

Sharon sa...

A great film with great memories-the outfits were really cute!!

Danz sa...

Yep I loved Dirty Dancing! I especially loved the parts when they were practising (so cute and funny) and of course, the final dance.

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Oh, I do like this movie--perfect summer watching.

Anonym sa...

Dette er en av mine absolutt favorittfilmer også. Åh, får helt gåsehud bare av å tenke på den :-) Jeg ELSKER sangen "She is like the wind" av Patrick Swayze. Se på klippet på denne lenken her:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-pNpR6KGLEk&feature=related
Sukk.. Jeg er evig romantiker.

AlicePleasance sa...

I can't help but heart that movie, it's a cult and you're right that's definitely the best line ever! I feel a little guilty, but I admit I watch it everytime it's on tv!

Salatbolla sa...

ntåå søøt film! ;)

Ida sa...

Love it! I don't remember too many details but I kind of associate with a feeling of love. Same goes to "Ghost", which Pammish mentioned, and which I totally adore.

hanna sa...

åh, denne filmen er absolutt herlig! og som du sier er klærne de bruker der i motebildet nå.

Kira Aderne sa...

really cool movie :)

a kiss!!

Fashion Addict sa...

I loved that movie! It's so romantic and exciting to watch. I love the scenes where she's learning how to dance with him. Very cute!

Elizabeth sa...

Seeing this post makes me feel sad that PS has pancreatic cancer. I hope he holds on for as long as he can.

Anonym sa...

I absolutely love this movie, I don't know hom many times I've seen it.
Regarding Patrick Swayze's cancer treatment- I've read not so long ago that he is responding to the treatment very well and the doctors say he has a great chance to be cured. I really hope so.
BTW, I love your blog, Silje. You live in a very beautiful country, Norway is great. Warm greetings from Poland:-)

- B sa...

Elsket filmen, men nå kan jeg bare si at jeg elsker deler av den.

Forøvrig en fantastisk youtube-video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZYhlm9GTAQ0

Siljesfashion sa...

b-Helt enig, så det paret på Oprah ifjor og de var flinke, det kuleste var da Patrick Swayze overrasket de på scenen, så morsomt!
enc_ I do agree, I hope he will be allright and fights it. I my mind, he will forever be a symbol of the love of dancing.

Siljesfashion sa...

dakota: I really really hopes he can fight it. Thank you so much for that lovely comment about my blog!

Anonym sa...

Føler meg nå litt dum, siden det virker som at alle skriver engelsk, men det får bare skure. Elsker, elsker, elsker denne filmen. Ser den hver gang jeg er lei meg, og det funker bestandig like bra. Jeg ender alltis opp på stuegulvet hoppende og sprettende, akkompagnert av avslutningsscenene som står på repeat.