lørdag 6. september 2008

Almost Famous


Kate Hudson has an amazing sense of style. As
does her character, Miss Penny Lane.

Photos: Instyle
Elsker denne filmen. Ikke bare er storylinen fantastisk bra, det er god musikk og spennende skuespill. Ikke minst kunne jeg tenke meg Kate Hudsons aka Miss Penny Lane sin garderobe. Spesielt den ikoniske skinnkåpen.. Det er utrolig hvor mye en film kan inspirere og denne er en av de bedre, synes jeg. Min mor hadde nok en enda flottere garderobe enn jentene i filmen, men har du ikke sett denne ennå, er den absolutt å anbefale.

Just spent the evening with one of my favorite movies, Almost Famous. Not only is the story very well written, it is also a great source of inspiration. Kate Hudson, aka Miss Penny Lane, plays the character to a tee, and has a very cool style in the movie-as in real life. I love the free spirit of the 70s, sans the drugs. The clothes keeps on being an inspiration to designers of today and to us, the girls who loves nothing more than to play dress up. A great evening indeed.

19 kommentarer:

Camilla Didriksen sa...

Masse fine bilder her :)

Dana (MODAna) sa...

I'm the only person alive who doesn't like Kate Hudson. Don't know why.

Elizabeth sa...

It makes perfect sense that you'd like KH's style in this film. It's "you!"

Anonym sa...

love that movie! one of my all time favs!

Ella Gregory sa...

Almost Famous is one of my favourite films. I adore the costumes!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, your style is very comparable to Kates, stylish, 70s inspired and inspirational to others too!!

Tricia sa...

so true, i kind of wonder how big of an impact that movie was on hippie/rocker chic.

NewlyInspired sa...

I love her too. She's very boho chic!

Songy sa...

that blue and KH's style reminds me of you really..

Pinton sa...

da skal jeg se den i kveld!

Ida sa...

I love Kate Hudson's style, it is always effortless and so chic. I don't think I have seen that movie, though.

Anyway, have a successful new week, Silje, dear!


ediot sa...

filmen er fin of kate er skikkelig stilig. herlige hippievibber.
håper du har en super dag

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

agreed, that film is wonderful for style inspiration! and so YOU in my opinion. Awesome!

Salatbolla sa...

åjjaa elsker den filmen, sett den noen ganger, kjempe søt!! ;)


Love this movie too.

Mónica sa...

I feel ashamed, but I've never seen that movie -I must, I know-! I also like her style more and more

Pamela Tan sa...

i looveee her!! :)

Pamcasso sa...

love that movie. I'm not a tremendous fan of Kate's personal style (she just doesn't excite me that much), but I love her in Almost famous.

Anonym sa...

I saw this film a long time ago and I loved it ... I agree with you, Kate is almost an fasion icon ...