onsdag 17. september 2008


From Paris this summer.

Bloggen min har vært så heldig å bli nominert til årets moteblogger, i regi av Costume. Allerede i oktober skal juryen velge ut fem finalister. Ytterligere fem blir valgt i november, og i desember skal leserne stemme fram en vinner.
Jeg begynte å blogge fordi jeg elsker mote og fordi jeg ville dele mine erfaringer med andre. Det startet i mammas klesskap da jeg var fire år gammel (70-tallet), da jeg fant en hippiekjole og et par platformsandaler som jeg spankulerte rundt i foran speilet. Siden den gang har jeg samlet opp en garderobe som er langt fra fullendt, men jeg kan med hånden på hjertet si at jeg elsker 90 prosent av alt jeg eier. Dere som leser bloggen fast, vet at jeg er opptatt av gjenbruk, vintage, secondhand og liker å mikse dette med H&M, Vero Moda og andre high street klær. Grunnen til at jeg er så glad i vintage, er at alt har en karakter og det er unikt.
Alt jeg har kjøpt som er vintage, er juveler i klesskapet mitt og de gir meg en god følelse hver gang jeg tar det på. Denne følelsen ønsker jeg å formidle til andre. Det skal ikke være vanskelig å shoppe eller få seg sin egen stil. Jeg ønsker med bloggen å gi svar på spørsmål og inspirere til å tenke anderledes. Om det er hva slags neglelakk du kan kjøpe deg til 20 kroner eller en investering til 5000 kroner, vil jeg at bloggen min skal gi råd og svar på det meste. Gi meg gjerne ris og ros, tilbakemeldingene leser jeg alltid, og prøver å svare så godt jeg kan. Håper dere stemmer meg frem på Costume i desember! En ekstra stoooor takk til den som nominerte meg.

My blogg has been so lucky as to have been nominated for the magazine Costume fashionblogger award 2008! I want to thank all of you readers that keep coming back. The blogg has already exceeded my expectations of what I thought it could be, when I first started writing. I feel very fortunate to be a part of an environment of creativity, support and a passion for fashion. The blogg har brought with it some amazing opportunities for me.
My love for fashion began in my mothers amazing closet at the age of four. I loved dressing up in her 70s dresses and tall platform shoes. Whenever there was a costumeparty, I would dress up as my mum or a ballerina. From there on, I have never looked back. Our move to Los Angeles opened my eye to how to be stylish on a budget, since we did not have that much cash as students. Now, I have a great job, but I will never forget that time, as it was one of the most amazing experiences in my life. This was also the time that I started collecting vintage clothing. The beauty of a vintage item, the way its crafted and made, gets me every time. If I love it, I buy it. But of course price matters, I would have to earn millions to afford my dream closet. However, I believe I am very fortunate to have all the things I have, and to be able to afford the things I want. I also believe that dreaming makes us strive for something better, something bigger. And in my life, dreams always come true.

30 kommentarer:

hanna sa...

jeg nominerte deg :D

Angela sa...

congrat to you. keep up this great blog.

Anonym sa...

congratulations, Silje! i absolutely adore your blog and love seeing the ways you creatively put together your outfits.


Hey that's great and deserved, so keep on blogging it's always a pleasure to read you.

glory sa...

woooww and woooow, congratulations... you know i and a lot of people love you blog , the best whishes for you..besos

Anonym sa...

Your blog is so much fun and you always have such interesting posts. Keep it up!

Ella Gregory sa...

That's really exciting. You have fabulous style, especially in the picture you posted with this.


Congratulations, Silje! I love your blog and your style!


Vertiginoso sa...

Congratulations for the nomination Dear Silje !!!
ps: You're frankly majestous in the Parisian mood, such luminous presence AND haughty casualness . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Sharon sa...

Oh many congratulations my dear Silje!! I love your wonderful post too, I can really empathise on growing up on a budget and also as you know, I share the love of vintage-there is nothing like it-the mystique, the quality, the nostalgia, all so lovely!! Even if you were rich dear Silje, you may go for the high end, expensive pieces (wouldn't we all!), but you have the eye for stylish vintage, especially at bargain prices and that would never leave you, rich or poor!!

Tuppene sa...

Gratulerer med nominasjon! Du får min stemme i alle fall!

Smilla sa...

Gratulerer med nominasjonen! Håper du vinner :O)

Janne Natalie sa...

Oppdaget nettop bloggen din, mens jeg bladde gjennom de nominerte. Og jeg må si at du virkelig fortjener den nominasjonen!
Du er blitt linket;)

Elizabeth sa...

Congratulations on the nomination, S! I expected nothing less for you. Your style, your beauty, your approach, your talent, your warmth, your writing skills, all these SHOULD be recognized.


Anonym sa...

congrats! =) i just discovered your blog today; its quite lovely! =)

saray sa...

the pic is just ammzing!!

Tricia sa...

this is lovely, many congrats to you!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Congratulations Silje! You are always an inspiration to me.

Songy sa...

Congratulations, Silje! How fabulous. It's a great message. Dreams do come true not by luck but by what you do and by how you do. You set a great benchmark here for all of us.

Siru sa...


juliet xxx

tessa sa...


Loving the outfit by the way

Mimi sa...

Congrats you deserve it because your blog is always amusing and uptodate.


Linda Thai sa...

greaat blog entry :) good on you !


S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

congratulations Silje! You so deserve this.
P.S. You look amazing!

Tiffany sa...


I'm a first time visitor and am really loving your blog! Thanks for coming to visit mine!

AlicePleasance sa...

Great news! Congratulations :-)

Make Do Style sa...

Big congrats - well done.

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

ahh, i need to travel way more. your glorious photos always remind me of that!


Anne sa...

Silje, du er så sød. Og jeg elsker, at dit største formål med bloggen er at hjælpe andre med at få bedre stil, og ikke bare at "show off", som så mange andre modebloggere... You go! Hav en god weekend :)

meg sa...

oh congratulations! keep dreaming big!