lørdag 13. september 2008

Rachel Zoe Project

Photo: Of Bravo
Første episode av The Rachel Zoe Project var akkurat slik jeg hadde forventet meg, crazy på en morsom måte. Showet er en god blanding av mote, kjendis, gale assistenter og Zoe herself. En must see for alle som elsker fashion! "I die" er favorittutrykket til Zoe, og det hører vi sikkert hundre ganger i den første episoden. Anbefales!
Just finished watching the first episode of The Rachel Zoe Project and what can I say? "I die"! Her favorite expression through the show. The series is a must see for anyone who loves fashion. She meets amazing designers, her assistants are crazy in a funny way, and of course the fashion is to die for. I know a lot of people dont like her and that she creates a lot of controversy, but there is no denying that the lady has talent. You can read her blog at Bravo, where she answers some fashion questions. Tell me, are you on team Taylor or Team Brad?

16 kommentarer:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

She is so relatable on the show! I didn't think I could like her, but they are making me...

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

P.S. Her assistants are "bananas" though!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I like her style, but unfortunately don't have access to this channel!! Have a lovely Sunday, dear Silje!!

Mónica sa...

I will watching! thanks for sharing

Ella Gregory sa...


Ella Gregory sa...

Ok silly me. In all the excitment I didn't realise you shared the link. Thank you, I'm off to watch now.

Elizabeth sa...

Having seen only one episode, I can't pick whose side I'm on, but I can say that the girl is dangerous!

Wendy sa...

Sounds like an entertaining show!

saray sa...

I watched 2 episodes when i was in the US and I LOVED it!!

i'm in Team Taylor!
I wish we had that in Israel.

Make Do Style sa...

This is a must see!

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

I will probably watch her show religiously. It offers a great perspevtive on what it's like to be an L.A. stylist. Taylor and Brad are so entertaining because they create drama and it's so fun to watch!

Ida sa...

I found the show to be quite entertaining, although it is so funny to see her hair styled to the extreme when it's supposed to be "reality". Gotta love her!

Have a great new week, Silje


Dana (MODAna) sa...

we don't get that show here. I wish w did, everyone's talking about it and I'm jealous. I love her style so I imagine I'd love the show, too.

Always In Style sa...

I don't really like her at all - and don't find her talented either.

She dresses everybody to look like her, that's not what a talented designer or stylist does - it should be about the client.

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

I've loved he for so long, and she only gets better!

alis sa...

This show needs to be aired global a.s.a.p! Althoug I kind of can't stand the woman there is no denying she's got style. Besides, I like torturing myself with watching irritating dramatic personas.