tirsdag 23. september 2008

Grey Matters

Grey is one of my favorite colors for fall and great
as a base in your wardrobe.

Outfit: All H&M except the vintage bracelets.
Nails: Estee Lauder black berry. Love this color!

For et par dager siden ble jeg intervjuet av Kvinneguiden om hva man bør ha i basisgarderoben. Intervjuet kan du lese her. Personlig synes jeg det varierer om du jobber feks på børsen, er student eller jobber i motebransjen. Noen har strikte arbeidsantrekk, mens jeg kan følge min egen stil. Av mine favorittplagg som aldri går av moten, velger jeg Chanel 2.55 vesken, basistshirts, svarte blazere og den lille sorte kjolen. Spe på med vintagesmykker og annet kult tilbehør. Da du får en personlig og unik stil.

So, I was interwied by the online magazine Kvinneguiden about what every woman should have in their basewardobe. I think that depends on what kind of job you have. Since I work in fashion, I can pretty much wear whatever I want, and follow my own style. However, many need to compromise. I mean, if you work in a bank, a suit is probably appropriate. But you can still add what I call "the spice". That being costume jewelry, scarves and nice shoes withouth being over the top. Those small accessories can easily show your unique personality and add some fun to any outfit.
An excerpt from the interview:
K: What is the perfect basewardrobe?

S: Black blazer, an LDB, a vintage flower dress, tees in white, grey and black, jeans, a leather jacket, a clutch, a brown and a black leather handbag for everyday use.

K: Name some things that never goes out of fashion?

S: A Chanel 2.55, a Chanel tweed jacket, a good pair of jeans, a black blazer and a LDB in a classic shape that suits your body.

K: What kind of shoes should a woman own?

S: A pair of classic black heels, tan or nude high heels and some ballerinas. A pair of leopard or red shoes will spice up any outfit and is great for those times you want to add some edge.

23 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

that outer jacket is exactly what i'm looking for for fall! i desperately hope i find one half as cute as yours!

Mimi sa...

Love the grey jacket and your bracelets.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-what wonderful pieces all put together beautifully!! Your jacket and jumper is lovely, especially the shades of grey they are too! Great interview, so spot on with the must haves to have in your wardrobe!!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

Great interview and I ADORE this look on you. I find gray looks great on blondes generally, and this is very, very true in your case :)
Hope you're having an excellent Tuesday!

Couture Carrie sa...

Beautiful layers!!


Siru sa...

I love your jeans!
That list helped me like hell.

juliet xxx

magia1980 sa...

I like your todays outfit. I have the same pants, but i would like that they was longer for me 1-2cm

Tiffany sa...

love the jacket and the layering. Grey is my color for the fall as well.

Vertiginoso sa...

I think that Grey is between austerity ansd softness, and your sulfurous nail polish is an exquisite way to electrify such silhouette -ps: and YES !!! Just like "SEXYness-issimes" Red or Tigress shoes-. . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

maverickandlove sa...

oh i love your jeans where are they from?

Elizabeth sa...

I really like how you layered those greys. They look soft and comfortable.

Also, the tips you gave for wardrobe basics were great.

elysia mann sa...

i love gray. it seems to be taking over my wardrobe!

Dana (MODAna) sa...

cool interview!
I love grey
and I used to have a leopard shoe phase...it's over.

MDS* sa...

Grey is also one of my favourite colours, specially teamed with black

Shes Dressing Up sa...

Great list of basics!
I love how you've layered lots of shades of grey =]

Anonym sa...

good tips!

tessa sa...

Love your jacket

Songy sa...

cool interview, Silje.
I have to say though I think having a colourful bag is much more useful than having a black bag I found from my experience. Black works best with black. Whereas bags with some colour will make an instant statement in a more subtle way then wearing a super colourful outfit, IMHO that is. :)

Your grey outfit is lovely. I might just have to try that colour before our summer heat. It's getting warm though already. it's going to be another hot summer for us.

Mónica sa...

your interview is very interesting! despite the question they made you are a bit obvious. I love your jeans. I agree about grey, it's the perfect colour for autumn

ediot sa...

fantastisk antrekk. du er så naturlig vakker så man blir nesten redd-

tusen takk for at du spurte forresten.. jeg vet ikke helt hvordan det gikk.. håper virkelig det gikk supert -at han likte meg-- var å sökte på cubus.. får vite innen tirsdag om jeg får jobb.. HÅPER virkelig.
ha en fin uke

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

Yes, that faux fur is super new at H & M, go get it!
I love this look by the way.



I love your jeans. Hey I wrote that in my article a few posts back, "grey matters" ;) did you see it?

Thanks for the outfit comment today!! :) By the way, whenever I wear my shoes I think of you.

xo/ fashion chalet

Pamcasso sa...

lovely. I live in grey.