onsdag 24. september 2008

Very Berry

Silk & cashmere sweater in wine from

Blouse from Ellos in wine.
Jeg har alltid synes at vinerød er en fantastisk flott høstfarge. Den dype fargen gir et hint av luksus og eleganse. Det er en nydelig farge å hente inn i garderoben, og finnes i forskjellige nyanser som kler de fleste. Elsker genseren fra Victoriassecret (de shipper til norge) og toppen fra Ellos, som er et røverkjøp. Er det første gangen du bestiller fra Ellos, får du 40 % av på en vare. Selv har jeg allerede gått til innkjøp av tshirts og genser i denne deilige høstfargen. Disse toppene blir kule til skinnbukser eller grå/svarte jeans.

I love the rich deep wine colors that are dominant this fall. Certain pieces gives a sense of luxury and elegance. Just one piece will add instant glam to any wardrobe, and it does not have to be an expensive item. My addiction right now is nail polish in this color (see my post under for picture). I love this blouse from Ellos and the sweater (on sale) from Victoriassecret. Pair it with black leather pants, blue jeans or over a vintage flower dress for fun. Happy shopping!

17 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

The sweater of VS is beautiful !!
I also love this colors and have several kind of pieces in my wardrobe.

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

that VS sweater is a knockout, all the right proportions and the color is superb.

Anonym sa...

gorgeous colors

Sharon sa...

Hi there-yes, you are so right, these are gorgeous, sumptious shades, perfect for Autumn!!

Make Do Style sa...

Yes the berry colours in the shop make even the cheapy high street items look great.wnmlozj

Lil Midget sa...

Jag älskar färgen!


Kira Aderne sa...

fantastic and you look adorable in that great coat, love it!

a kiss!!

Mónica sa...

those colours are very nice, and normally flattering to almost anyone

Anonym sa...

i love it too! way too many ppl wear normal purple now... not that i dont like it anymore..

Pamcasso sa...

love the ellos blouse's color. what a flattering shade.

tessa sa...

I love the sweater. Stunning color

Rice and Beans Vintage sa...

I love the second piece, great cut and color!

MDS* sa...

This is a lovely colour, specially for blondes.


Pretty blouse actually.

Danz sa...

Ohh the VS sweater is superb is so many ways! Purple is definitely one of my favourite colours.

Thanks for entering the contest Silje (good luck!) and I'm glad you like the store!

Take care and have a lovely day :)

choppyshades sa...

kjempe fine farger:)

Marte sa...

Jeg liker også fargene veldig godt! Har kjøpt flere topper/gensere i bærfarger i det siste:)