Boots: Acne
Dress: H&M
Jacket: Gina Tricot
Scarf: Vero Moda
Sunglasses: Oliver People
Bangles: Vintage
Beanie: Noa Noa (a loan from Maren at work, I need one now!)
Snart fredag! Gleder meg til sove lenge, lese blader og slappe av. Fantastisk flotte farger ute, men ganske kjølig på morgenen. Derfor holder jeg meg til lag på lag stilen, med litt ull for å holde varmen. Har dere noen spennende planer for helgen?
Almost friday! The weekend is closing in and I cant wait to sleep in on saturday morning, having good coffee and going to a birthdayparty. Sorry if I look weird, I was in desperate need of a coffee pick me up. Love the fall colors and the nice sun, layers is totally the way to go. Do you have any exciting weekend plans?
24 kommentarer:
I love your todays outfit. Very nice especially boots. I hope thayou have pretty warm weather. Todays we are having first day withot rainning from two weeks its terrible, but now it is to better.
Gorgeous - I'm in love with those boots!
this outfit is superb. i love all the dark colors that help accent that lovely scarf. this is one of my favorite looks of yours yet!
Great boots!
love the boots- you have such great legs to be able to wear those boots! lucky you!
Lean and mean in those boots!
No special weekend plans. Maybe some window shopping.
Have fun at the birthday party!
LOVE the beanie, inspired
will try to wear one soon
and the shoes leave me speechless. I have a similar thigh high pair that's at my parents' house and I'll only get in November
heyaa,.. i included you to one of the chicest bloggers here in blog.com jus for fun>for fashion addicts exclusives. ^ ^ leave a comment and my blog will do too ^ ^ and heyy.high fashion is in the house ;)
heyaa,.. i included you to one of the chicest bloggers here in blog.com jus for fun>for fashion addicts exclusives. ^ ^ leave a comment and my blog will do too ^ ^ and heyy.high fashion is in the house ;)
Hi Silje-looking so stylish and cosy in this outfit, I love it!! I'm looking forward to a saturday lay in too, plus I may go thrifting later today or tomorrow! Have a wonderful weekend my dear and thanks for your lovely comment!
great outfit!! I love your boots!
Vacker utstyrsel Silje...
Jag kommer att uppträder som gaturmusikant denna veckoslut..
Puss puss!
You look so cool! I love it!
oh i love the scarf&boots!
Ohhhhh Silje those boots! You look fab!
Great minds think alike no? ("Grey Matters") very cool. Thanks for the comment, by the way. :)
GREAT BOOTS, silje!!! ♥
xo/ fashion chalet
I want to have the lie in - am so envious of that!
love your long cardigan jacket :)
about the weekend, i usually don´t make plans, just wait to see what it happens :)
a kiss!!!
Silje you layer with the best of them! I adore this look on you - the boots, the hair, everything is simply perfect and stunning!
Have a wonderful, amazing weekend :)
i love autumn. It's so pretty and all the real clothes!
juliet xxx
Veldig, veldig fint antrekk Silje!
Long and sexy, Silje. I love that look.
kjempefint! stövlene var jo fantastiske!
Kult antrekk :-D
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