torsdag 18. september 2008

Fab Friday!

Vest: Vero Moda
Jacket: Gina Tricot
Boots: Vagabond
Dress: H&M
Scarf: Vero Moda

Endelig fredag. Selv om det regnet, var det deilig med en tur ut i arbeidstiden. Dessuten sier jeg aldri nei til en deilig kaffe latte. Ettermiddagen skal tilbringes på sofaen med nyeste Elle og litt andre magasiner. Hva er dine planer?

Finally friday. I am all in heaven with delight. Work was great and even got a minute to pick up some great Cafe Latte after lunch. I looking forward to spending the afternoon reading the newest Norwegian Elle and American Harpers Bazaar. What are you doing this friday?

25 kommentarer:

Cupcakes and Cashmere sa...

those boots were positively made to be paired with black tights to truly show them off. you look fabulous...have a great weekend!

Tricia sa...

grrr, still playing catch-up at work after fashion week! I adore the vest!

Hanne sa...

Så fin den vesten var, fint antrekk:) Her blir det tradisjonell fredagskveld med taco;) Deilig å bare slappe av på fredagskvelder synes jeg:)

Mimi sa...

You look like you're in a great place in your life!

I'm on vacation so I'm spending the day with my little princess and peeking out the window constantly while a construction crew is working on my backyard make-over!!!

Have a great weekend and enjoy the reading (I just finished going through my latest InStyle magazine hehe)


WendyB sa...

great boots!

Elizabeth sa...

Those are great boots^^!

Today, I'm drinking coffee, reading blogs, and (I hope) visiting with a friend.

Happy Friday!

Kira Aderne sa...

you look fab! here and there and Paris, a real fashion icon!

a kiss!!!!

Always In Style sa...

I love your outfit - I can't wait to start dressing for cooler weather :)


Great boots! I spent my afternoon with a charming old man who designed and made shoes during WWII. He showed me drawings of shoes that would be still fashion today. Have a nice week-end.

Angela sa...

you look soooo cute. your boots makes me drool... have a savvy weekend.

Anonym sa...

i like the outfit!! i'm to hang out with family n friends! enjoy ur weekend

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

you are looking beyond fabulous!
have a lovely weekend gorgeous :)

Anonym sa...

I love your layering and the cute vest! You look awesome!

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-haha, I'm onto saturday morning now dear!! I'm relaxing this weekend and just chilling out!! I love your boots, I have virtually the same pair, I got them at a boot sale for 50p(!), they are by faith and are leather-I must wear them soon!! Have a great weekend dearest!

..... sa...

nice fur

Songy sa...

Saturday here already. Hope you're having a good weekend.

not so swell but blog buddies are making me happy and jolly.

Linda Thai sa...

love it ! i wish i could layer up like that i hate summer its too boring for me haha


Robin sa...

I like the dress!


Love the whole outfit, great boots! :)


ps: thank you!!

xo/ fashion chalet

Pamcasso sa...

love this look on you. Those boots are fabulous!

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

aww, you look amazing in the fur.

Anonym sa...

Hei! har du kjøpt vesten på vero moda nå i det siste?? MÅ bare ha en selv og har lett lenge;)

Dana (MODAna) sa...

I'm going nuts about those boots.
I'm happy you had such a nice Friday! It's awesome kicking off the weekend that way

Siljesfashion sa...

Hei anonym! Nei det er mange år siden. Men har sett at Bik Bok, Zara og Selected femme har noen som ligner veldig. Håper det hjelper!