onsdag 10. september 2008

Why it is always a good time to invest

My latest investment this summer, the Gucci

One of my first ebay purchases, vintage Christian Dior.

My vintage Chanel, also an ebay purchase.

Det er min personlige mening, at det aldri er en dårlig tid for å kjøpe noe du elsker. Hvis du gjør det, vil du ha det i garderoben for alltid. Chanelvesken er en av mine favoritter, ikke bare er den en klassiker, den passer til alt jeg har. Før i tiden kjøpte jeg nye ting hele tiden, nå tenker jeg mer over hva jeg bruker pengene på. Når jeg kjøper nye ting, investerer jeg. Det gjelder uansett om det er billig eller dyrt. Noen ting varer kun en sesong, og der er det greit å spare inn ved å kjøpe i billigforetningene. Vintage YSL, Dior, Chanel, DvF, Halston og Missoni er noen av mine favoritter. Når det er sagt, har noen av mine beste kjolekjøp vært til rundt hundrelappen. Det trenger ikke være dyrt for at det skal vare.

I never think its a bad time to invest in something you love. The thing is, if you really love it, you will wear it forever. Timeless, classic pieces are the best, as they stand the test of time. My Chanel is the most classic piece in my wardrobe, and I love it for the way its gives instant style to any outfit. After spending most of my early years buying cheap things that I discarded season after season, I now look for the timeless classics that can last a lifetime. In my opinion that is vintage YSL, Dior, Chanel, Gucci, Diane von Furstenberg, Hermes, Halston and Missoni. Mulberry, Prada, Miu Miu, Marc Jacobs, D & G, Stella McCartney, Christian Louboutins, Brian Atwood and a few more are some of my contemporary favorites. That said, some of my most treasured vintage dresses where a steal at 20 dollars. Remember, its not about the clothes, its the person who wears them that give the outfit life and personality. You can never buy taste, its something you have or will strive to learn.

25 kommentarer:

Elizabeth sa...

I agree with you. If I have a visceral reaction, a gut feeling about something, then I know it's an investment, and that I'll keep it forever. I have a few "investments," and I love them all.

Your "investments" are perfect, classic, and very YOU.

Tricia sa...

well said. someday i'm going to spend some money and time finding a great classic bag like yours.

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

Great advice, you are truly an expert at finding amazing pieces.

Pamela Tan sa...

i love chanel :) i had also been thinking abt buying investment pieces and im gonna start with an LV bag :) i know, its not in ur list, but the real leather is so yummy in person! :)

Lil Midget sa...

Åh..Ebay...Jag älskar Ebay :) En kan köpte månge underbara jox från Ebay..

Din väskor ser ljuvlig ut Silje!

Puss puss!

Sharon sa...

Hi there-I absolutely agree, these 3 bags are forever stylish and are great investment purchases, I love them all!!

Ida sa...

Which is why you never fail to look beautifully elegant, Silje, darling!

Have a wonderful day


Hanne sa...

Fine vesker! Enig med deg, investerer man i dyre ting så har man det nesten for alltid, og det er mye morsommere å bruke. Fikk en kjempefin veske av elsklingen ifjor og den har jeg brukt nesten hver dag etterpå. Vurderer å investere i enten en Mulberry, Louis Vuitton eller Gucci. Det er så mye fint å velge i:)

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

I am in full agreement with everything you said here, and I want to just say how much I ADORE your vintage Dior and Chanel! I know what you mean about it giving instant class to any outfit, I've noticed that since I recently got mine

Couture Carrie sa...

Excellent investment pieces!
Love your scarf, too!


ediot sa...

chanelveska var fin som bare den. og jeg digger tskjorta di

AlicePleasance sa...

I totally agree with you. I think - no matter if it's a designer item or not - if there is something you really like, something that is beyond fast trends, you should definitely invest in it. Probably you will love that item forever :-)

Marie rocks my socks sa...

Godt skrivd! :)

J sa...

OMG! those pieces are awesome. Vintage Chanel and Dior!?! to do for. i'm super jealous!

Anonym sa...

Thanks for the info! =)

Anonym sa...

Ooo so lovely and all well chosen!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Hi Silje!
I haven't commented for a while and I've missed so much!
I agree with you completely, it's an investment when you purchase good quality icons like Chanel and Dior.
I love your Chanel bag, you have inspired me to find my own on eBay now.

Dana (MODAna) sa...

I agree, labels aren't everything but they are there for a reason.
Louboutins aren't my faves though.

Hippie, hippie - milkshake sa...

elsker dior vintagee-vesken og chanel-vesken. Hyggelig å se deg i dag på H&M. - ble en cape på meg også gitt...c

Anna-Maria sa...

I love your vintage bags, very good investments indeed. How much did you spend on those? I've been dreaming about the Chanel bag for years...

elysia mann sa...

such classics.

Songy sa...

your investments are very very classic. I will have to serious about these now. I realised I'm missing so many classic must haves... such as LBD. Can you believe it? I haven't got one yet.

Tiffany sa...

i very much agree. I spent most of my early twenties buying trendy cheap things and now spend most of my money on things that cost a lot more but will last me many more years. But you are also right in that it does not matter how much it costs, it's how you wear it.

Your vintage dior is gorgeous.

Anonym sa...

Sorry, but I think that Chanel..even though it's vintage might be fake.. the CC seem to be the wrong side..

María Pilar Bernal Maya sa...

I´m completely agree whith you