søndag 21. september 2008

Emmys 2008

Photo: Elissa Love Goodkin

Photo: Wireimage. One of my favorite Emmy looks.
Sarah Jessica Parker in couture Chanel 2003.

Inatt er det Emmy i USA. Venninnen min Elissa jobber i kulissene på den røde løperen og sendte meg dette bildet inatt. Gleder meg til å se stjernene all dressed up imorgen tidlig, siden ingen av mine tvkanaler dekker sendingen og det er midt på natten her når det hele går av stabelen...

Since we dont have any live coverage here, and its in the middle of the night our time, I have to wait until tomorrow morning to see whos wearing what and who stole the limelight this time. I love the red carpet, some stars really go all out while others never take any chances. I cant wait to see who Rachel Zoe styles this time, and some of the fabolous dresses of the runway. I am sending positive energy to my friend Elissa, whos working on the red carpet (behind the scenes) all weekend. You go girl! So tell me, who are you looking forward to see?

12 kommentarer:

ng2000 sa...

Valuable resource of emmys news summaries: http://www.ng2000.com/fw.php?tp=emmys

Elizabeth sa...

Anybody and everybody! I love all the dresses.

Mónica sa...

We don't have much coverage here either. I adore SJP look and is one of my favourite dresses ever. She looks amazing!

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

That SJP dress is really adorable, she's usually one of the best red carpet dressed

Songy sa...

All of them I think.They all look gorgeous and it will be interesting to see who dressed who etc.. and what will be copied. :P

Sharon sa...

Hi Silje-Loving SJPs dress, so gorgeous!! Love to see anyone in anything, how exciting!!

alis sa...

I'm looking forward to seeing everybody! That's why I've been scanning all my favorite blogs for coverage, thank goodness I found a quick fix at yours. SJP looks GORGEOUS, glad to see her back in the game after her DVD release monstrosity.

lara sa...

there were some great outfits i think, but nothing breathtaking I think this year...

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

I haven't seen anything from it yet but am also very much looking forward to see who Rachel Zoe styled and what they're wearing :)

Ella Gregory sa...

I can safely say no one has beaten Sarah this year. It was pretty average.
Good luck to your frined, sounds like an amazing experience!

Anonym sa...

... and Sarah Jessica Parker looks stunning as always...

Anonym sa...

ELSKER kjolen hennes der.