mandag 8. september 2008

Photo Shoot

A couple of weeks ago we did a photo shoot
for the magazine. This is what I was wearing.
Jeans: Acne, Top: Carlings, Necklace: Vintage
and Shoes: Guess

We had so much fun, and as you can see, its a
great team of people behind the magazine.

Photo: Bjørgli og Bergersen
Beklager at jeg ikke får svart på alle innleggene, med prøver å komme meg ajour denne uken. Mye jobb og lite fritid de siste ukene, og har kommet så sent hjem at jeg ikke har orket å ta noen bilder. Men synes det er morsomt å dele disse med dere da!

I am sorry I have been missing in action for a couple of days, its all about work. I am trying to catch up on all your post this week! Its fun though, I get lots of post to read. We had fun at the photoshoot, which I thought turned out pretty well!

20 kommentarer:

Make Do Style sa...

Glam photos!

Anonym sa...

oo cute pic

Elizabeth sa...

Lots of understated gorgeousness there. You work with a slick team!

Tricia sa...

it's a great looking group too! wonderful pics. love your easy style, it's so natural.

Sharon sa...

Hi there-it sounds like a great place to be working, well done to you!! Love your outfit-casual chic!!

Vertiginoso sa...

Oooooh your males colleagues are really going to make many jealous persons !!!! Such lucky minority in such Sexy/GLAMorous context . . .
ps: And You're a real example of "Casual CHICissime" perfection (with the Heels for the "Tigress' touch !!!)

A Bientôt, Antoine


Well so casual chic, love it.

Ida sa...

You look so fabulous in a plain tee and skinnies, Silje, amazing!

BTW, is magazine just founded?? What is your job in it? I am so curious, I know:)))


Ella Gregory sa...

That's a really nice group shot. I love the necklace, it reminds me of Carrie Bradshaw!

S (formerly of Modern-Guilt) sa...

You have the coolest job ever! I'm jealous. Great photos.


Way to go, Silje! I love these photos.

and thank you <3

Style Spot sa...

Thank you so much, Silje, you're so kind! And you look gorgeous as always in these photos!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Great group photo.

tessa sa...

great outfit, I specially love the shoes!

Songy sa...

what a fab picture with lots of gorgeous people. that must be lots of fun working with the team.

Pamcasso sa...

you look lovely as does the rest of the team!

ediot sa...

du er altså så stilig- så naturlig vakker!
du ser great ut i jeansen forresten.
ha en finfin uke!

Always In Style sa...

Gorgeous, as usual.

Please forgive me, I'm a little behind -- what magazine is this?

Tuppene sa...

Herlige pics!

Diana Coronado sa...

What a glammy girl !!