In wait of my VS boots, I bought this and
another smaller studded belt to jazz up some outfits.

Did I mention I love black and especially a
black on black look.

My beloved vintage Dior clutch.

Photo: Kathrine Stenvaag
Dress: Cubus
Shoes: H&M
Gloves: Gina Tricot (bought a brown pair as well)
Handbag: Vintage Dior
Belt: H&M
Bangles: Vintage and other
Jeg har hatt lyst på kjørehansker lenge, og sist helg fant jeg disse hos Gina T. Jeg er forøvrig veldig glad i svart, det er en enkel måte å gjøre et antrekk litt tøffere. Dere vet jo sikkert at jeg elsker 70-tallsstilen, men jeg liker også å kjøre en tøffere linje. Humøret har mye å si, men da jeg så dette beltet på H&M, måtte jeg bare ha det. Utrolig kult til blomsterkjoler også, det er bare å prøve i veg. Jobber som en gal om dagen, så har ikke fått svart på alle feedbacks, men tar det litt etter hvert.
Work is taking up a lot of time these days, but I wanted to share with you my obsession lately. I have always loved black and its such an easy way to put an edge to any outfit. I love these new gloves, they will come in handy when its a little bit colder. The dress was a steal, and I am contemplating getting another one in grey. Like I said, I looked at the Victoriassecret boots a long time before I got them, although my obsession with studs started right after seeing that gorgeous fall Gucci collection. Luckily, you can get the look for a lot less, at least thats what I do. I am sorry I have been strapped for time, but will try to get back to some of your comments today. Hope you are having a wonderful week!
32 kommentarer:
Hi there-You really suit all black, it is such a classic stylish look, plus your accessories are perfect-the belt and the gloves are great!
Haha, how remiss of me-of course the Dior clutch is divine!!
This looks great. Love the gloves!
what a hot look...i think black always looks so good on blondes, it really brings out your hair color.
oo you look hot!
Wooooooowwww !!!! "Glamazon-esque perfection" , with the "CHICissimes" gloves for the "Fetish touch" !!!! The stylish/aesthetic cocktail "Total Black" / "scandinavian Blonde mane" is really Breathtaking . . .
Mistress Silje !!!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
You look beautiful in black. Do I ever mention my love for gloves, yours are just perfect.
so hot! i love the gloves! it is so edgy without looking trashy - fine line, done right!
to style spot i discovered your blog
you are amazingly stylish
if you come to Paris, i'll be glad to photograph you
but i'll will be glad to be your blog frind at leats
cheers from Paris
I don't think I've ever seen you in head-to-toe black. It's really great on you.
Mycket vacker Silje! Jag älskar svart också. Min garderob är fllyd med svart. Heheh. Jag gillar dina handskar. Edgy! Och din väska. Cool! Sammantaget din utstyrsel är ljuvlig :)
What an unbelievably stylish outfit!!! The belt makes all the difference <333
I love black as well. The colour really suits you. I really like those punky accessories:-)
Jeg er trofast lytter av Frokost showet på Radio 1. Fikk med meg da du var der en morgen for noen uker siden. Ettersom jeg er litt ivirg på bloggingen selv, måtte jeg jo ta en titt innom denne fine bloggen din! Ønsker deg all lykke videre!
great rock - chick look. I always thought bright colours really worked well with you but black works just as well.
Me LOVE!!!!!!!
Fabulous look, I love wearing all black, and I've always thought that it looks particularly good with blonde hair :)
That Dior clutch is amazing by the way.
skikkelig stilig.
fikk meg å tenke på sjp. bare ennå litt finere :)
fabulous Silje!! elsker denne looken på deg. og de gina tricot kjørehanskene skal jeg jammen meg kjøpe meg :)
e this, you rock it!
Fantastisk antrekk, Silje! Perfeksjon!
OMG, that is so cute!
Love the clutch. You look perfect in black. How are you liking the married life? <3
Looooove this biker chick chic, Silje - especially those little gloves. Perfection!
Utrolig kult;-)
Very SJP in SATC movie! Cute gloves!
sooo cool! :)
the clutch, gloves, and belt's perfect! :)
LOVE this look on you. fun to see you with more of an edge:)
what a great look!
I love it all!
amazing gloves, wow, i wanna them too! hehhe
about the bags, those are fabulous!
a kiss my friend!
Ur gloves are really nice
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