Jeg elsker YSL, vintage og nytt. Spesielt er jeg glad i belter og sko fra 70-tallet. Disse skoene har jeg sett på lenge og spesielt denne fargen er helt nydelig. Men tillater ikke budsjettet disse, har Gojane kopier til litt over hundrelappen.
I am craving these YSL sandals sooo bad. But at 900 dollars the price is a little beyond what I usually spend on shoes. If you are not worried about the brand, grab these knock offs from Gojane, which I think is a steal at 24 dollars.
PS: Check out myself and all the lovely ladies with faux fur vests over at Mimisblog Great inspiration!
19 kommentarer:
Oh yes these are fanTAStic!!
Barneys had them in maroon for half price; I wonder if they are already sold out??
Hei Silje. Er ivrig leser av bloggen din,og tenkte jeg kunne spørre deg om en ting..Jeg elsker kaninpels! Har du sett noe slike til salgs i butikker eller de vintage/secondhand nettbutikkene du følger med på?
GoJane has such amazing prices that they scare me...I've never bought from them fearing that the shoes will fall apart the first time I wear them LOL
Hei Jannicke, tusen takk for hyggelig kommentar. Ja, hva slags tenker du på? Kort el lang? Jeg vet Tonica har endel hos seg, på ebay finner du ganske mange, ellers har faktisk loppemarkedene som regel flotte pels bare du kommer tidlig. Fretex på Grunerløkka kan også ha, men der er det en stund siden jeg var sist. Lykke til!
Mimi: I think they are ok quality. I got another pair this summer and they were just fine, for that price.
That style is really hanging on. It suits you very well. Will you get the knockoffs? Or wait until they go on sale?
CC: I scored the site after your advice, but was devestated that their sold out..
enc: I am considering it. But I do think that is a LOT for a pair of shoes. Now, if I could only find them on sale somewhere..
those are hot!
oh pretty. Nice find on the knockoffs!
I was just looking at Gojane.com, they have nice shoes.
Ooooooo... Platå sko til godt under toll pris... Me likes!
Takk for godt tips Silje!
Hi Silje-wow, these are a fantastic alternative, will you indulge my dear? Looking great in your fur gilet too! Have a great weekend, dearest!
what a steal. I'd definitely go for the $24 one... I get sick of shoes like that after one season anyhow.
Oh my, de YSL skoene er helt nydelige! Må nok sjekke ut GoJane jeg, for de der har jeg nok ikke råd til utenom i drømmene mine *sukk*
It would be fantastic if the GoJane ones came in the purple and gold colour combo like the YSLs but they're still gorgeous!
Also, I'm currently running a contest on my blog to win a $25 gift certificate from a lovely online boutique. Hope you'll check it out!
Take care and have a great day Silje :)
I want them so bad. I hadn't seen them in purple before. Now I have I want those ones too!
åh, herlige!
I want them!!!! :)
Jeg ELSKER YSL Tribute skoene.. de er helt perfekte!
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