Angie Harmon in Stella McCartney and Chloe Sevigny
in Preen.
Photos: InStyle
Jeg elsker alt som glittrer. Derfor kommer det kanskje ikke som noen stor overaskelse at jeg elsker denne trenden. Paljettekjole, top eller skjørt er kult. Selv har jeg bestilt meg en 70-talls kjole med paljettopp fra ebay. Men jeg må innrømme at jeg også ønsker meg en kjole slik som Angie har på seg her, som jeg kan ha over de skinnbuksene jeg planlegger å kjøpe i høst..
Jeg elsker alt som glittrer. Derfor kommer det kanskje ikke som noen stor overaskelse at jeg elsker denne trenden. Paljettekjole, top eller skjørt er kult. Selv har jeg bestilt meg en 70-talls kjole med paljettopp fra ebay. Men jeg må innrømme at jeg også ønsker meg en kjole slik som Angie har på seg her, som jeg kan ha over de skinnbuksene jeg planlegger å kjøpe i høst..
I love everything that sparkles & shines, so of course I am all over this trend. Always on the hunt for bargains, I decided that the best way to do this trend, was to go vintage. As we speak, a 70s disco diva dress with a sequined top and a full skirt is on its way to me, courtesy of ebay. My advice for this trend, is either to go for a full dress or a cool top in the material, that you can pair with jeans or leather tights for that ultraglam rock chic look. I love how both of these ladies pull of their look, and I think a short dress like Angies goes well with a cardigan for a more daytime outfit.
11 kommentarer:
I'd love a gold halter top done completely in sequins.
These looks are fantastic.
Hi Silje-yay for sequins!! We must have a 6th sense for loving all things stylish-70s fashion, tan boots, scarves, safari dresses, studded belts and now the sequins!! I need to show you my vintage waistcoat I got at the boot sale a few months ago, I really love it, I just haven't worn in yet!! I can't wait to see your new find!! In the 80s, I had a black body con halter mini dress, all in sequins, haha!!
I adore Chloe's dress. Sequin pieces are so bold though!
The sequins, Or a shining/"high-classy" way to sublimate your "fashionista's Preciosity" !!!
A Bientôt, Antoine
oo sequins are still in!? awesome, those two are hot dresses
i like how angie pull the gold look together with simple black. very savvy.
I love the first dress. Might do a wee search in ebay.. shall I?
Chloe looks stunning in that Preen dress. I am really into Preen at the moment.
What gorgeous dresses! I have sequins top. Love it.
Have a lovely week, Silje!
Sequins are the best indeed! Great advice.
Well I love when it sparkles and shines, I'm Miss Glitzy after all!
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