At the terrace

Anyone for fashionable tennis?

Dress: Vintage
Belt: Vintage YSL
Handbag: Zara
Sunnies: H&M
Lørdag kveld var vi invitert i en bursdagsfest på en tennis klubb. Dere vet jo allerede at jeg elsker å pynte meg, så denne kjolen fikk bli med på festen, og danset seg inn i de sene nattetimene.. Gratulerer med dagen M! Og jeg fikk sjansen til å prøve ut mine nye YSL wedger, er de ikke fine? Husk at du fortsatt kan vinne Sex and the City billetter! Se innlegget lenger ned for info.
If you have not noticed already, I am the girl who always love to dress up. I can always find a reason to wear one of my favorite dresses, as tonight at a friends birthdayparty. The party took place at a Tennis Club, and since we were blessed with the most amazing weather all night. We had so much fun and spent the evening drinking, eating and dancing the night away. Dont you just love my new shoes? And yes, I am a shoe addict, in case you wondered...