tirsdag 27. mai 2008

80s Revival

Tshirt: Bik Bok
Skirt: Vintage, Fretex (last thriftpurchase)
Shoes: Bianco
Leather band: Cubus
Sunnies: Target

Photo of Madonna: Valdaisy

Photo of Aha: Starpulse
80tallet var tiden da AHA regjerte MTV med "Take on Me" og filmene Fame og Top Gun gikk på kino. Ballgensere, steinvaskede Levis og svarte lærremmer var et must for alle motebevisste jenter. Egentlig hadde jeg lovet meg selv at jeg aldri skulle begi meg inn på 80tallsmoten igjen, men jeg må innrømme at å gi etter å små doser er helt greit. Hvis du som meg ikke føler for å ta det helt ut, kan du satse på et par hvite pumps, lærremmer(obligatorisk) og en vintage tshirt med trykk. Ønsker du derimot å kjøre full 80tallsstil, er det bare å se på bilder av Madonna, Duran Duran og Whitney Houston fra den tiden.

It was the time when AHAs (Norways most successful popband ever) song "Take on Me" conqured the world on MTV. Lightwashed Levis jeans were the hottest thing in fashion and every cool girl on the planet wore black leather wristbands. Hair was BIG, shoes were white and off course we thought we were very fashionable. I never thought I would wear anything from this area again, untill I saw these white shoes, the print tshirt and the leather bands. How wrong can you be? Off course they are a uppgrade from the 80s with my vintage 70s style skirt, however I stand to be corrected, because I do have to admitt that I love this look! For inspiration and a trip down memory lane, you just have to look at old photos of Madonna, Duran Duran and Whitney Houston.

28 kommentarer:

Dotti sa...

Hey dear, of course, you're absolutely right: such a cool look. Did you do something with your hair? It looks different to me. Kisses.

Sharon sa...

Silje-we are officially twins-not just by being Gemini and telepathically linked, but in this outfit with the white stilettos you are an unofficial Essex girl-yay!! This so rocks the 80s and I adored the white shoes-I still do now!! You are a true style inspiration, Silje!!!
BTW, 'Essex girl' uniform is traditional white stillettos and denim skirt-Essex is my county where I live-I hope I haven't confused you-ha ha!!

Vertiginoso sa...

You really are a "Revival-esque creature" Dear Silje !!!
And with such envious position, This Happy Cherry has to make many jealous persons !!!
ps: I frankly adore "the Living Daylights, " A- Ah" 's music theme of James Bond's "Tuer n'est pas jouer" . . .

A Bientôt, Antoine

Siljesfashion sa...

dotti: no, bad hair day! Haha

sharon rose: Thats so funny! Thanks, I love my new white shoes!

Marte sa...

STILIG!! ..som vanlig, Silje!:)

Ca sa...

Haha, such a funny and quirky t-shirt. A perfect piece to make the whole look less dressed up, considering the lovely skirt and shoes.

Ida sa...

You look fabulous Silje! The graphic T is such a good partner to the denim skirt it is unbelievable. Such a great outfit!

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

A-ha!!!! One of my fav bands ever

saray sa...

Lovely Skirt!

annabananna sa...

love, love, love your t-shirt! you look adorable!

molly sa...

i have such a soft spot for the eighties...prince FTW

geri hirsch sa...

i love the t-shirt. by the way i linked you but i dont think that you linked me back...

Mónica sa...

I love love love your skirt!

Pamcasso sa...

cute shirt, like this look! very pop!

ediot sa...

morsomt antrekk.
håper det er fint vär i oslo!?

Kira Aderne sa...

Wow!that skirt is really awsome and versatile :)

a kiss for you dear!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Very cool Silje, if anyone can do it you can!
I love your previous post as well, so chic!

Anonym sa...

haha cute throwback

Danz sa...

Man, you can make ANYTHING look classy! Very cute outfit :) Sorry about the mistake, I corrected it immediately.

Anonym sa...

Så fine bilder! :) Liker stilen også. Kjempesøte sko.

Lil Midget sa...


Luna sa...

Wow, elsker det! Kjempe kul topp:)

The Fancier sa...

Cook look! I like the vintage skirt!

Times of Glory sa...

Oh my dear, the statement T-shirt is just ultra sweet! You can really pull off different looks fabulously xx

Elizabeth sa...

Really great skirt. I love that!

Anonym sa...

Really cool! You pull of the 80's so well!


i love your shirt :)

Pamela Tan sa...

ooh ilove this! i love everything high-waisted :D