torsdag 29. mai 2008

Sun and the City

The Pavillion at the Nationaltheatre

New purple and gold sunnies from H&M

Jacket: H&M
Skirt: Secondhand, Uff Underground
Shoes: Bianco
Bangles: H&M
Handbag: Zara
Sunnies: H&M
Shoe Lounge at Paleet(great shoes!!)

Trying on new Prada sunglasses at Krogh Optikk. These babies might just become mine..Dont they look fab with my outfit?

I think Carrie would approve.. Lovely shoes from Paleet.

Cool headpiece. Gold MK shoes from Shoe Lounge.
Idag hadde Paleet shopping en happening med mange gavedryss i riktig Sex og Singelliv stil. Man kunne vinne sko, klær og premierebilletter til SATC filmen. Var der en liten time for å titte litt. Endte ikke opp med å kjøpe noe, men fant de kule hvite solbrillene fra Prada og gullskoene fra Michael Kors. En heldig jente vant et gavekort på 10.000kroner..Skulle ønske det var meg!
PS: DU KAN VINNE BILLETTER TIL SATC filmen her på bloggen fra imorgen!!!! Følg med for konkurranse.

Todays happening was a celebration of the upcoming movie Sex and the City(almost there!). Paleet, a shopping center in Oslo, handed out tons of gifts and tickets for the premiere of the movie next friday. Lots of girls showed up to shop. I found some great sunglasses from Prada(as seen) and shoes, off course. Did not shop(gasp), but got some great inspiration in the little hour I was there. A lucky girl won a gift certificate for a 2000 dollar shopping spree....Wish it was me! Haha. Have a lovely day everyone!

26 kommentarer:

Pamcasso sa...

I love this combination of colors on you! so summery!

Kira Aderne sa...


you are so amazing, love your smile!

a kiss!

Vertiginoso sa...

Mmmmmhh YES , About the shoes, Carrie would approve . . . And a "Refined (YES, YES, YES )French-Fetishist" too !!!
ps: You would have naturally your place in a Norwegian version of "SEX And The City" Dear Silje !!!

A Bientôt, Antoine

Marte sa...

oh, lekre sko! tror carrie ville likt de ja;) pent antrekk Silje!

Pinton sa...

ai.. dette må du tipse om vettu!:) om du visste det før du dro dit da.. kanskje det kunne vært meg som ble 10.000kr rikere:p Se om billettene bare kan brukes i oslo da? eller om de kan brukes uansett i norge..

annabananna sa...

you look gorgeous again! love your glasses, the parda ones suit you great as well. and i am in love with your oversized clutch!!

i saw the sex and the city-movie yesterday, it's just amazing! have fun!

Diva sa...

Wow what a great effortlessy gorgeous s look.

NewlyInspired sa...

LOVE you bag! I wish there was a Zara in my area :(

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

She looks so fab as Nicole Richie!!

Elizabeth sa...

Another superb look. I love white shoes, but don't have the guts to wear them. Meanwhile, I try to get everyone ELSE to wear them! LOL.

Anonym sa...

da jeg så det første bilde så var Carrie Bradshaw, det første jeg tenkte.. Seriøst liksom!:)

Sharon sa...

So unlucky to have missed out on the shopping spree, silje :-( But you look fabulous- I adore this skirt!!

Ida sa...

You are so pretty, and the outfit is so relaxed and stylish simultaneously!
You are such an inspiration, Silje:))

karla deras sa...

love your fringe clutch. LINKED YOU!

Lil Midget sa...

Hej hej Silje. Kjolen är mycket ljuvlig! Puss!

Salatbolla sa...

stilig 70talls look!! ;) skjørtet ditt er kjempe fint!!


wow you look so pretty!!!

Skye sa...

absolutely cool fringe bag you have! Jealous girl over here!

Mónica sa...

what a cool clutch you have here!! Lucky you about Sex and the City, in Spain the premier is 20th June, I can't wait!!

I need you ask you a favour, please, check my blog! I need all you bloggers help!

Diana Coronado sa...

Ohh my !! Sooo pinky and NY.

Anonym sa...

that bag is perfection, so perfect for summer!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

ooo i really like your white wedges!

The Fancier sa...

I just love your easy breezy outfit! Your sunglasses and bag are to die for!

Pamela Tan sa...

ilove ur fringe bag :)

J.M. Powell sa...

your handbag is AMAZING. and i'm loving the 70's revival look. you look beautiful silje!

The Freelancer's FashionBlog sa...

That skirt is very pretty!