fredag 23. mai 2008

Dancing at Studio54

Foto: Kathrine Stenvaag
Dress: Vintage, Fretex
Belt: Vintage, Koma
Heels: Nine West
Gold Bangles: H&M
Endelig snart helg! Elsker min nye røde kjole som jeg fant i en av Fretex sine butikker. Har tatt masse bilder av butikken på Grunerløkka, så det kommer i en egen post senere. Alle jenter trenger en rød kjole i skapet og tro det eller ei, dette er faktisk min første røde kjole. Til gjengjeld er den helt fantastisk. Skulle ønske jeg kunne hoppe tilbake i tid og svinge meg på dansegulvet på Studio54 i denne kjolen, det hadde vært litt av en fredag!

Hey, you lovely ladies! Its finally friday and the weekend is almost here. Love this dress I got a week back when I when I went to a secondhandstore called Fretex. I will make a seperate post on the Fretex store in Oslo, because it is a great store with many treasures. Every girl needs a red dress in their closet, and this is actually my first. When I put it on it was like stepping back in time, and I wish I could go dancing at Studio54. I love the way the colour of the dress changes in the pictures, in one it almost looks orange. But I will settle for dinner & drinks at a great restaurant, have a nice friday everyone!

43 kommentarer:

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Great dress. So dramatic and wonderful. I require a red dress myself...

Anonym sa...

Å fantastisk!

Sharon sa...

Absolutely stunning Silje-I don't have a red dress!! Ah well, something else to look out for-ha ha!! Have a wonderful evening and weekend!!

annabananna sa...

silje, you look wonderful. the pictures are great and the dress just stunning! have a great weekend.

Elizabeth sa...

Maxi beauty in red.

hanna sa...

røde kjoler stjeler oppmerksomheten på hver fest! du var kjempefin i den ;)

Anonym sa...

Wow, stunning dress chica!!!!

Ella Gregory sa...

The dress looks like a nicer version of the orange one Kate Moss designed for topshop

Kira Aderne sa...

amazing, you look like a princess!
i have 5 red dresses! i was organizing my closet yesterday...i ha the chance to count...heheh

a kiss,
love your great style!

see you,

NewlyInspired sa...

LOVE this dress!

Dotti sa...

Oh, how I'm in love with that dress. You look just drop-dead gorgeous as it suits you perfectly. Lucky girl, Silje.

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks for all the lovely comments, you girls always make me smile and laugh!

Vertiginoso sa...

I really like the subtle transparency , a subtle and sensual way to sublimate your statuesque Body !!!
YES , I want to Dance at "Studio 54" with You Dear Silje !!!

A Bientot, Antoine

Danz sa...

Really gorgeous dress! Would you mind if I used it in a post? I'll obviously link it to your blog.

Miss at la Playa sa...

wow, that dress is AMAZING!

hannah sa...

gorgeous! so glamourous. this reminds me of kate moss at the topshop opening.

Lil Midget sa...

Silje! Du är mycket ljuvlig! Och dräkten är vacker :) puss puss

Shes Dressing Up sa...

I love this dress, the colour is so vivid!

ediot sa...

fantastisk kjole! skikkelig fin!

Lil Midget sa...

å ja! Tack för din god tur komment :)

Siljesfashion sa...

danz: I dont mind at all(just flattered!)great if you link the post!

Anonym sa...

Enig i at alle jenter bør ha en rød kjole, men selv venter jeg fortsatt på å finne den "perfekte". Den du har funnet er kjmpefin, og med beltet i livet minner den om en Valentino fra høsten 07!:

Times of Glory sa...

A great dress, a great beauty! You look just divine...!

Fashion Addict sa...

love the red dress! I find it very hard to wear a red dress in broad daylight so I applaud you for that!

Lady Melbourne sa...

Whoa Silje- thats amazing!

Fashion Tidbits sa...

gorgeous, gorgeous dress!!!! i need a red dress now

karla deras sa...

oh this is pure chicness!! love love love it!

Anonym sa...

Utrolig fint antrekk!

alis sa...

Loving the dress. I'm sure a lot of people were staring with admiration that day :)

lara sa...

I love the colour of your dress

Anonym sa...

wow stunning dress, you look gorgeous!

Ida sa...

Such an amazing dress that makes you look even prettier!
I don't have a red dress actually, guess I should search for one now:))

molly sa...

very dramatic and seventies!

Pamcasso sa...

absolutely gorgeous on you- the perfect shade of red:)

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

This dress make my day :)

blah sa...

You look fabulous in the red dress here :-)

AlicePleasance sa...

I love red dresses and Studio 54 vube! perfect :-)

Anonym sa...

The dress is amazing! Wow!

MEMEME sa...

great dress!!

Ca sa...

Fantastisk kjole! Og beltet og skoene gjorde hele antrekket et hakk røffere.

Salatbolla sa...

herlig kjole!! =) heldig som fant denne på fretex!!! det er sant det der med at alle jenter trenger en rød kjole, jeg har tenkt på det lenge!!! håper jeg finner en fantastisk en også! ;)

Caroline sa...

this dress is AMAZING.

What is Reality Anyway? sa...

Simply amazing dress! You remind me of Jerry Hall here--what a great inspiration. I always write about "Studio 54," its great to know someone else thinks it is amazing as well!
