søndag 4. mai 2008

Spring Shopping Advice

Foto: H&M og Victoriassecret
Enten du er millionær eller student på budsjett, er det mulig å få en flott sommergarderobe. Har fått endel spørsmål angående dette, så her er noen av mine favoritter:
-Maxikjole i blomstertrykk og/eller en kort kjole i samme stil.
-Kilehælsko. På H&M for du disse wedgene, et superkjøp!
-En kort innsvinget jakke som du kan bruke til kjolene og buksene.
-Tshirts med trykk er kult, så skaff deg et par i flere farger.
-Gå for gullarmbånd, turkis eller korall som er nydelig sommerfarger.
-En stor hverdagsveske og en konvoluttveske.

Either you are loaded with cash or a student, there is still hope of getting a great summerwardrobe. Here are some of my faves for summer:
-The maxidress or a short dress in flower print.
-Wedges. The ones at H&M are a bargain!
-Widelegged Jeans.
-Printed tshirts, new or vintage.
-Goldtone jewelry, turqouise or coral jewels.
-A tote and a big clutch.
These are just essentials as I am assuming that you have at least at couple of other things stashed in your closet...

19 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes-nice summer checklist-I can tick all boxes, barring the jewellery, as I seem to buy it (real and costume), put it away and don't get it out again!!

Siljesfashion sa...

Haha Sharon, you are to funny! Keep it in plain view, as I know with myself that I used it a lot more then than if I box it away.

Dotti sa...

What would we do without you, dear Silje? ;) Thanks for the list. I need to hurry if I want to catch up with all the stuff on it though.

Dotti sa...

And, what I forgot: I am not a full time eBay seller. I just put something on when I have a bad conscience after spending too much of my money...
Hope you had a nice day. At least as sunysunnysunny as I had.

ediot sa...

,mm bra råd. har en fin maxikjole jeg gleder meg til å bruke. og et par gladiatorsandaler jeg glemte at jeg hadde.

håper du har en fantastisk söndag

YouSaidHello sa...

I found a maxidress in blue (like the one you have in an older post)in my closet ..yeah yeah yeah haha

Elizabeth sa...

Nice shopping list. I'll be looking forward to some shopping in July!

Anne sa...

Tak, Silje! Jeg er en STOR fan af lister, og selvom jeg vist allerede har det meste fra din liste, så er det altid inspirerende læsning... og i det mindste gør det det hele lidt mere overskueligt :)

Miss at la Playa sa...

great advice! :)

Mónica sa...

I've already bought some... widelegs jeans, wedges, flower print dresses and shirt, but still looking for a maxi clutch, any ideas?!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

I want to go shopping for spring/summer, but I need to make some money first!

Danz sa...

I have to get a nice flowy maxi dress, wide legged jeans/trousers and large clutch. I've got everything else. Thanks for linking me, yours is in my blogroll now!

Andrea Martínez Maugard sa...

The last dress is just perfect

Auntie Tati sa...

Tadah! Your blog can now be found in my blogroll :D

Ella Gregory sa...

I love the red shirt with the white skirt
very crisp and summery!

Anonym sa...

I love the middle picture of the short floral dress - soooo pretty. Thanks for the checklist! You always have great tips!

Shes Dressing Up sa...

Im still looking for the perfect long dress for summer and cant wait to wear my wedges in the sun!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks you girls! I am a firm believer in lists as it helps me stay organized, I am a gemini after all.

Thanks Dotti!

Mademoiselle, haha, thats funny!Wish you did though, its quite the gem.

enc: Thats great because then everything is on sale!!

atelier: I have seen some oversized vintage ones on ebay that looked fierce. Type vintage clutch and you will get good hits. Eelskin is very nice as it tend to look better with age. Also like this http://www.bananarepublic.com/browse/product.do?pid=562505012&tid=BRAF103&ap=2&siteID=2617229 and this goes with everything http://www.ardenb.com/catalog/product.jsp?categoryId=138&subCategoryId=152&productId=10396&ref=ab_aff_pf_k137820&source=pf
Maybe I should do a post on this!!
Thanks Danz and aunti tati!

hanna sa...

mange bra tips her ;)