lørdag 3. mai 2008

Strawberry Dreams

Jacket: H&M (old)
Skirt: TopShop
Top: H&M
Belt: Vintage YSL
Bracelets: Gifts from my husband
Sunnies: Oliver People
Shoes: Nine West
Fikk endelig de etterlengtede Nine West skoene og de er superlekre. I tillegg fant jeg et gammelt TopShop skjørt som passer perfekt til blomstermoten som er så hot nå. Har hatt en helt fantastisk dag tilbragt på verdandaen med masse jordbær og magasiner. Flott sommerstemning! Tok en powerwalk etterpå og overalt ute satt folk å grillet og drakk vin, så fant ut at vi måtte gjøre det samme, så lørdagskvelden blir grilling, vin og godt selskap.

Finally got my Nine West shoes! I know many of you have them, but I am superexcited as I think I am the first girl in Norway to own a pair. On top of that I found an old TopShop skirt with flowers in my basement, perfect. Today was spent on the porch reading magazines and eating strawberries (sooo good). Later I went for a powerwalk. Off course all Norwegians were out in their yards barbecuing (its what we do when first rays of sun comes) and the smell was unbelivable! So I got my husband to barbeque, so now we are going to eat and drink some wine. Hope you also had an amazing day! Playing in my head: All Night Long, Lionel Richie.

32 kommentarer:

Vertiginoso sa...

And You Really are a Stylish Gift from Nature !!! OK, I'm "a little" Fetishist" . . . BUT your Black Nine West Heels are a fantastic aesthetic Pleasure : Powerful, Conqueror Preciosity (especially with such refined toes !!! ), "greedy" skirt, casual denim jacket . . .
Simply a Delighful mix . . . like Strawberries !!!

A Bientot, Antoine

Wendy sa...

Wow, you look really great in that denim jacket!

Dotti sa...

Such a nice brigde – from the red nailpolish to a bowl filled with strawberries... :)

Siljesfashion sa...

Antoine: Your such a sweatheart! Love the shoes and the strawberries, haha.

Wendy:Thanks, i love it! I got it 3 years ago and its still going strong. One of those finds that H&M sometimes offer.

Anonym sa...

wow fab outfit! I have those shoes in brown and I think they're responsible my knee injury haha but good luck to you. strawberries, magazines, and sun are wonderful! my day is ok so far, but tonight is prom so should be fun!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Those shoes rock. And yummy berries!

ellie sa...

love the shoes.

ediot sa...

fine fine jente med DE sandalene- I like!

hanna sa...

nydelige sko :) og jeg fikk skikkelig lyst på jorbær nå! takk for tipset om selvbruningen forresten :)

Etoile sa...

I totally love your outfit!!!!!!! and OMG your shoes! Amazing!!!


Cate sa...

is the belt pink? anyway i love your skirt! i wish i'd find things like that in my basement! and the shoes - wow.

Alice sa...

Nice flowery skirt. I like that style. These shoes from NINE WEST are great too.

Your look is very stylish :)

Alice from Poland:)

Richel sa...

I couldn't go because I'm only a freshman and the only formal dance left is senior prom.

You look very stylish as usual!
I'm linking you as we speak!

Siljesfashion sa...

jayne: Oh my, thats sounds bad. I will use them sparingly as I have a bad back. But they are great for special occasions!Hope prom was fun??

Ediot og Hanna: Takk takk!

Cate: Yes, it is pink! And why I find things like that is because I never throw anything away! I am not so sure this is agood trait..

Thanks Alice and Ragamala!

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes! Thats unbelievable-I have a near identical jacket to yours-mine is from River Island, also pale denim, cropped and shorter sleeves!! I love the skirt and love the sandals-perfect for a summery day!!

Elizabeth sa...

How on EARTH do you manage to look so good! :D Beautiful!

Monique sa...

Ah, want the black shoes! I have them in brown, and love them.

Anonym sa...

Oh your skirt is soo beautiful and I love the shoes, too. I adore your style.

Anonym sa...

Nice shoes! And the strawberries doesnt look too bad ;)

Kira Aderne sa...

i love it all!!!!

so good!
a kiss :)

J.M. Powell sa...

oh no, your blog isn't automatically redirecting (for me anyway). how are you loving the new gladiators?!

NewlyInspired sa...

They are to die for huh?!!! Glad you scored them cause they are my FAVE!

Anonym sa...

Å WOW! Elsker det, helt fullkomment!

Renate sa...

Så herlig, skjørtet ditt var nydelig :D

Elissa sa...

Love those shoes on you and they fit perfectly!

Lil Midget sa...

Jag älska din skor! VAcker!

my blog on gothic fashion: midgetlil.blogspot.com

It's also in swedish..but I'm just learning the language so there's probably heaps of mistakes!!! :)

Fashion Trend Guide sa...

The shoes look stunning, I love the whole look. Cheers to your new shoes and great weather!

Nigerian Woman in Norway sa...

hvordan fikk du skoene fraktet til norge?

Mira sa...

Silje! Jeg så ikke dette innlegget før nå. Du ser stunning ut! Skjørtet var fantastisk på deg!

Jimena sa...

This is a killer look!

Ashleigh sa...

Verrry nice! The shoes look great =) too bad I have flat feet and they look HORRIBLE on me.....

kati sa...

I love your outfit - it is so summerlike and delightful!