fredag 9. mai 2008

Summer Loving

Foto: Kathrine Stenvaag
Cardigan: Vintage
Blouse: H&M
Brooch: Vintage
Shorts: Old Levis cut offs
Socks: Lindex
Sunnies: Sean John
Bangles: H&M
Heels: Nine West
Plutselig var sommeren her og det er ennå ikke 17 mai. Er fortsatt ikke over hvor glad jeg er for at jeg bestilte disse skoene fra USA, de passer til det meste og gir en edgy look til søte plagg. Som Rumi sier, nyter jeg fortsatt "honeymoon" fasen med disse.. Kjenner du for de, søker du på Nine West gladiators på ebay. Hadde en flott dag. som ble enda bedre da jeg så dette på Radio1 forside..
Hop, skip, missed a beat. Summer is here and the loving is easy. Loving those late summer nights so early in may, a rarity for us Norwegians. Still so happy I ordered the Nine Wests and as Rumi says, I am still enjoying the honeymoon phase with these heels...
Oh, and I noticed the THREE tags, haha, I will get to these later in the weekend. Had a great day that just got better as I found out the radiostation Radio1 put me on the front of their site with my interview! Have a lovely friday!

23 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hiya Siljes-you look so cool, or should I say, hot!! I went and tried on your sandals earlier today-they were tan, not black and I was so tempted, but sadly they weren't 'me'. I will swoon over yours instead! have a lovely weekend, Siljes!!

Dotti sa...

Do you know how gorgeous you look in that outfit?!?

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks so much, you guys are the best. Really made my day!

Marte sa...

Så herlig cardigan! Liker fargen:)

Vertiginoso sa...

And The "Norwegian Summer" is singularly RADIANT with a casual Féline like You Dear Silje !!!
Denim Shorts, Arrogant Heels, mischievous socks, "chameleonic Sexyness" . . . Or a Staggering cocktail , Delightfully Refreshing !!!

A Bientot, Antoine

Anonym sa...

love the shoes & socks!

ediot sa...

ay caramba. du ser super ut! skikkelig fin outfit! ha en fin helg!

geri hirsch sa...

love the denim shorts!

Times of Glory sa...

Thanks for stopping by! I seriously adore your style. I can picture you (in the second picture) having a break in a road trip.

The sun reflected on your gorgeous skin and melted in the coral cardi. Also, that vintage sunglasses looked too cool for school! Your style rocks!

hannah sa...

you have those nine west shoes! i love them, especially with the socks. so cool.

at the moment i dont have a links section on my blog, but if i start, you will definatly be on it. thanks for the offer. you are too sweet.

WendyB sa...


Elizabeth sa...

You are really working those heels!

Nice legs, too. Happy summer.

Fashion Tidbits sa...

i love the socks and sandals look that you manage to pull off with flair!!!!

Alice sa...

You look perfect! Especially, I like your sandals and cardigan.
Alice :)

Anonym sa...

You look awesome wearing those shorts - I also adore the color of the cardigan.

Lil Midget sa...

Å! Jag älskar sandaler! Jag vill dem!

Exchange links??
I've linked to yours

lara sa...

Oh that second picture is so cute!! I love your heels :) sa...

wow, you are amizing, and look like a model:)

Mónica sa...

You look great. I like your sandals a lot;) despite I don't like socks+sandals (and I don't know why).

Danz sa...

Seriously you look amazing!

Anonym sa...

Skoene dine er fantastiske! Tenkte å prøve meg på å bestille noen i brunt fra Ebay. Men hvordan er de i str? Jeg ligger mellom 37 og 38, så vet ikke hvilken str jeg skal ta! Help!



Such a cute photo of you laughing. Love the pink sweater and sandals with socks :)

Siljesfashion sa...

Anett: Jeg er mellom 38-39 og bestilte size 8 som passet perfekt! 8 er 38.5 her i Norge. Så kanskje du burde ta 7 som er 37.5 eller 7.5 som er 38? Spør selgeren om han kan måle skoene under sålen så får du en god ide. Gir han deg det i inches må du gange med 2.54. Mål foten din og du burde ha et godt utgangspunkt. Lykke til!!