mandag 5. mai 2008

Coral Lips

Foto: InStyle
Sarah Michelle Gellar (Buffy) stråler på dette bildet. Superlekkert med turkis topp, korallfargede lepper og gulløredobber. Også var det de flettene da, som gir en pyntet, men laidback stil. Korallfarge er veldig fint til solbrun hud, bare sørg for å velge en nyanse som passer din hudtone. Leppestiften til Sarah er Chanels Rouge Allure Exotic.

Love Sarah Michelle Gellars (Buffy) fab look here. The turquoise top is gorgeous, and works wonders with the coral lips and the gold jewelry. And of course the braids! I love coral for summer, as it gives you that extra glow and can be very flattering. Just make sure you are a little tanned and find the lipstick or gloss that compliments your skin. Sarah wears Chanel Rouge Allure in Exotic, but MAC and Maybelline has a great selection as well.

15 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes! I think you could copycat this look beautifully!! I bet your hair would be stunning with braids in!

Vertiginoso sa...

Here, The Refreshing Sarah Michelle "Buffy" Gellar is like a "GoddessNextDoor" !!!
Charming Preciosity . . .

A Bientot, Antoine

Kira Aderne sa...

she is really amazing!!!

a kiss and a hug,

jennifer sa...

I love that photo of SMG.

Dollfaced Rebel sa...

I loved her complete look. Coral lips are indeed perfect for the summer. I deff. have to look into that.

saray sa...

she looks great!
love the color combo..

molly sa...

very flattering!

Elizabeth sa...

It's a brilliant look, she is lovely.

NewlyInspired sa...

Love the hair!!!

Anonym sa...

i agree :)
ashley can pretty much rock anything!

Marte sa...

Likte alt: leppene, håret, topppen og øredobbene!

Anonym sa...

i actually like this photo of her. great blog!

Alice @Ogni cosa bella è viola sa...

You right, she's great in this pic! Coral lips and turquoise dress look faboulous.

Liz Lizo sa...

oh i remember that dress she has on, it was to die for.

AlicePleasance sa...

She become so beautiful and stylish, love her look