Foto: Bulls
Premieren her i Norge nærmer seg med stormskritt, det er ca 4 uker igjen til 6 juni. Som alle andre SATC fans her hjemme kan jeg nesten ikke vente med å se filmen, som ser ut til å ha endel overraskelser på lur. For å ikke snakke om alle antrekkene som har sirkulert rundt på nettet i mange måneder. Alle fashiongirls har et forhold til denne serien som peiler inn på samhold, kjærlighet, vennskap og ikke minst fantastisk mote satt sammen av Patricia Field. Hva er ditt favorittantrekk Carrie, Miranda, Charlotte eller Samantha har i serien? Min er denne fantastiske rosa kjolen fra Oscar de la Renta..
Cant wait for the premiere in about 4 weeks time here in Oslo. Even though we have seen outfits and some glimts at the story, I am thrilled that my favorite TVshow of all time is finally coming to the big screen. Dont we all have a relationship with these girls? I mean they put so many issues on the agenda and the girls all have traits we recognize and identify with. Friendship, love and heartache being some. And off course the coveted fashion brought to life by the talented Patricia Field. One of my favorite outfits that really stands out was this pink Oscar de la Renta dress. Why? Because taking me dancing at a Burger King is exactely what my husband would do and my favorite colour is off course, pink.. Do you have a favorite outfit from any of the girls from the series?
18 kommentarer:
this is my favourite dress from sex&city:X:X:X i luv oscar de la renta and ebay alsooo! i am from romania..and i am trying to make a small buissness from my passion:)
I love that show, and Carrie and Charlotte's style in particular. I love that dress, then a couple of vintage flowered dresses Carrie wore. I also love how Patricia Field always put SJP in clothes that showed off her incredible abs. I wouldn't feel comfortable wearing it, but it does look amazing on her.
I love all the outfits is sex and the city!
it's such i great show, i want to shee that movie soooooooooo bad!!
å-det skal bli göy å se den filmen!
Å som jeg gleder meg!
This show used to be very exhilarating, with such incisive dialogs !!! According to me, "Sex And The City" Girls are The epitome, the Quintessence of "modern fashionistas", which is now an universal Figure . . . With New York City as an allegory of " Modern Femininity in urban civilisation" !!!
A Bientot, Antoine
I think the most memorable is the tutu dress in the starting credits-she rocks in it!!
I think the movie will be a brilliant fashion highway! Can't wait to see those outfits perfectly matched for each of character :)
I am so excited too. SJP's shoes in that picture... sick!
den kjolen der er nyydelig!
2 weeks left here, yuppiiiie! i love the amazing dress Carrie wore in the last (i think) episode while waiting for the Russian guy - the one that covered all of the bed she was lying on. madness!!
Elsker alle klærne, kommer ikke på noen favoritt i farten. Gleder meg utrolig mye til filmen! :D
I can't say only one, most of outfits were just great. I love that De la Renta, it was so romantic! also the one she wore in I HEART NY chapter, and those pink shoes...were amazing. Her vintage-flower-50-silhouette dresses are lovely, and so does the white one when Aidan asked her to marry him. Of course the blue one she wore when she came across Mr. Big in that magazine party at the boat... She has an amazing style, I must stop now because I could be like that all night!
i can not wait!!
OMG! I am uber excited for this to come out. SO MUCH FASHION!!!
I hope you enjoy the movie and report back to us on your experience!
When Carrie got that pink Oscar De la Renta frock I wanted a bf like that, who was friends with a designer.
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