Etter å ha sett SJP i denne kjolen, fant jeg ut at jeg ønsket meg nok en blomsterkjole. Etter en tur på ebay fant jeg den perfekte kjolen, og inatt ble den min for 100 kroner! Skal legge ut bildet med en gang jeg får den. Når det gjelder blomstertrenden er det lett det blir litt bestemorsaktig, så pass på å bruke kult tilbehør som gladiatorsandaler eller hvite platåpumps for en kul look. Hvis du i tillegg har en clutch i en sterk farge eller en dyreprint, setter du prikken over i en på antrekket. Har også vært på secondhandshopping, så bilder av kjøpene kommer imorgen.
After seeing SJP in this lovely creation, I decided to treat myself to another flower dress( Yes I already have an obscene amount). Last night I won the perfect dress on ebay for a steal, which I will be posting shortly. Perfect with my Nine West heels or white pumps. The flowertrend can fast become a little grandmalooking , so be sure to spike it up with great accesories. If you are daring go for a huge clutch in either one feisty colour or a leopard one. Now thats fashion as I like it! Also, went thrifting and got some great deals, that I will share with you tomorrow.
11 kommentarer:
Can't wait to see all your new bargains, Silje-I totally get you on yet another floral dress-I think this will be my summer downfall too!
I can't wait to see your new dress!
i didn´t see this photo before, that dress is stunning! and she, you know, is gorgeous!
a kiss!
i am happy you enjoyed my photos, i try to do my best!
a kiss
i did a new post!
i am curious too about your new dress and the other stuf you bought. and yes, that's a really pretty outfit on sjp.
Great tips, I am looking forward to seeing your newest purchases!
you can NEVER have enough floral dresses haha ;) i love the whole punk up your florals trend
mmh prettypretty dress! =) ebay is fab! ;)
Show us pictures pleeease! You are such an inspiration Silje!
When is tomrrow? I cannot wait to see your new dress!!!!!!
made me think of shopping more on ebay
she looks great. I am so into florals this summer!
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