Elsker stilen til jentene i Gossip Girl. Mannen som står bak det hele, stylisten Eric Daman, forklarer her hvordan han styler showet. Legg spesielt merke til den fantasiske røde kjolen fra Valentino som Jenny skal ha i en fremtidig episode. Nå skal jeg ut i solen og nyte det flotte været. Håper dere får en fin lørdag!
I just love the fab style Gossip Girls stylist Eric Daman are creating for the show. Although no show can replace SATC, I am coveting some of these girls outfits. If you want to dig into the stylist brains for some inspiration watch this and drool with me for that fab red Valentino dress that Jenny will be wearing for an upcoming episode... Anyways, somebody did a piece about this a while ago and wanted to know who the stylist was. And off course I had to serve a piece, haha. Do you have any favorite stylist and why? And when you leave me go to juliam for the pick me up post of the day! Here the sun is shining and I am heading outside, so will post pictures of my great day later.
14 kommentarer:
Their style rocks. They may not replace the SATC ladies, but I find their outfits more enjoyable than some of the "business" looks the SATC women donned. These girls can dress impulsively since they don't have professional jobs yet!
Totally, I so agree. Much more fun to dress up before you have a real job. I am happy that I have a job were I can dress almost exactely the way I want.
This yellow dress is beutiful- real haute couture!
I find that colour a tad unflattering on Blake!
But she still looks pretty good!
wow, finally i know who the gossip girl stylist is!
well, i can't stand rachel zoe's personality and how she treats her clients, for example that she won't go for anything else than size zero, but i love her clothes style, so just without any personal hatred of her character i'd say she is my favourite stylist. but if i was a celebrity i wouldn't employ a stylist, because when they say in magazines "oh she has such a great style" i would want that style to be thought of by me, not someone else. of course for a TV show a stylist is great.
about fashion at a funeral: i totally agree with you, who wants to think about fashion at a time like this? i used to have a lot of black thing, but now i don't have so many black clothes anymore and most of them were in the wash, so i just took the darkest things possible and ok. my cousin, as i said, lent me some of her more elegant clothes for the burial, and because there had been one funeral service before where everybody had cried, the atmosphere at the burial was more like remembering the happy times with my grandpa and so on.
Den gule kjolen var utrolig lekker!
i love the gossip girl style, i have yet to watch the show though. i added a season pass for it to my tivo yesterday, so i am starting.
one of my favorite stylists of the moment is aya t. kanai, she does a lot of the nylon photoshoots. and of course melanie hyuhn, emmanuelle, etc.
you have a wonderful blog!
I love thier style. Jenny in my favourite, although she's not an obvious choice...
:) x
I'm so in love with the sailor dress. Attention: Would kill for it.
check out that video too! they used to have new videos with him every week to correspond to each episode on the website... but it looks like they took them all down but this one
ooo that was a really interesting video! Its also always intirguing to find whose style everyone prefers- I'm actually a blair girl!
Cate: I do agree about Zoe, shes weird that way. And you are so right, you want the style you reflect to be you, not somebody elses. Thats why I tell my clients its all about finding those pieces that reflect their style and personlality. I never push my style on them, though they often want some things from my wardrobe, hehe. And I am so happy your cousin helped you out with the clothes, so you did not have to worry.
Hannah, I havent seen those, but will be looking now. And yes, you must see it, so much fun fashion!
Molly: Shes sweet! I am off course the Serena fan, 70s laidback at heart...
Dotti: See what you mean!
Zoe: GReat! Thats to bad, but oh well.
jayne: Blair has great style and flair i think. Very classic style with a certain twist!
I get to enjoy all the style of this show without having to watch it. They must have a fantastic wardrobe department, and whoever is in charge of it is great.
Love this post.
No one who is truly serious about fashion can compare GG with SATC...that's silly.
That said...love B's posse.
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