fredag 16. mai 2008

Great summer looks

Photo: People
Det er nok ingen hemmelighet at jeg liker mesteparten av Nicole Richies stil. Nicole er flink til å gjøre basisantrekk kule, som her med hvit kjole, skinnjakke og printveske. I tillegg er hun ikke redd for å prøve nye ting, som denne vintage Chanel skjortekjolen (som jeg gjerne skulle slått kloen i). Etter at hun sparket stjernestylisten Rachel Zoe, har hun prøvd og feilet en god del. Nå ser det endelig ut til at hun er på riktig vei med å finne sin egen stil..Hva synes dere om stilen, hater den, elsker den eller midt på treet?

As you might have guessed, I love most of Nicole Richies style. I often feel she make basic outfits stand out, like this white dress, leather jacket and that whimsical handbag. On the other hand, shes not afraid of trying out new things like this vintage Chanel shirt dress(that I totally covet). After firing Rachel Zoe, she has had some big up and downs, but I truly believe that to find your style, you need to experiment and that takes a couple of hits and misses. What do you think, love or hate her style? Also, I got som killer heels in the mail today and will try to post a picture of them later...

19 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes-I too love Nicole's look-she is so effortlessly chic! Fashion is all about possible mistakes-I think we can all relate to that at some time!!

Anonym sa...

Jeg liker stilen hennes veldig godt:) Hun er alltid flott!

Pinton sa...

Vel, da henger jeg meg på! jeg synes også stilen hennes e eldig kul . og jeg kan innrømme at jeg har en hel bilde mappe ddikert til henne:p

Håper du får en fin fin dag i morgen! Blir det bunad?

Luna sa...

Jeg synes stilen hennes er veldig fin. Veldig enkel, men det er bare positivt i mine øyne. :)

Kira Aderne sa...

i agree!

a kiss

Ida sa...

I like her style too, and her hair always looks great! And she's always wearing gorgeous shoes:)) I think she changed a lot the last couple of years, all for the better.
Don't forget to show us the new heels:)

Anonym sa...

I want to hate her style because I don't exactly condone her lifestyle, but she is rather chic. and i actually admire her for not taking the easy route, but trying her own style out, true it has its downsides, but i can accept that, because the fab fashion is so much more enjoyable if its sincere.

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks girls! Wish you all a great weekend.

Cathrine: Har desverre ikke bunad selv, synes det er litt vel dyrt. Men skulle gjerne hatt og er veldig misunnelig på de som har imorgen!!

Ida: I will show you the new shoes, just to tired tonight!

jayne: I agree, to succeed in the fashion scene you have to be a little fearless.

Tinsley sa...

shes such an inspiration - i love that white dress with the leather jacket!

Anonym sa...

As much as I typically hate celebrities that are famous for no good reason, Nicole's fashion sense certainly makes up for it. She has that effortless vibe at all times, but manages to still look totally chic! Btw, wanna trade links? :)

Mónica sa...

the white dress is really nice! it's great seeing she had a fast recovery from pregnancy!

annabananna sa...

i agree, too. love how her outfits always seem so relaxed and effortless, even though they're probably not.

come on now, show us your new shoes! (and thanks for your lovely comments!)

Times of Glory sa...

Nicole's style has an easiness, which is where true luxury lies in my opinion, and it really suits her. I love it!


I love summer dresses! ♥

Anne sa...

Det var faktisk for et par år siden, at min interesse for stil begyndte rigtigt, og de store inspirationskilder var søstrene Olsen og Nicole Richie. Jeg kunne sidde i timevis ved computeren og lede efter billeder af dem og deres outfits! Ganske vist er Nicole ikke længere under indflydelse af Rachel Zoe, men jeg synes stadig, hun har en fantastisk stil. For som du skriver, så kører hun ofte med ret enkle outfits med lækre detaljer, og sådan kan jeg godt lide det!
Ps. Glædelig 17. maj til dig :)

Nothing sa...

Looove I adore her. She is the coolest

YouSaidHello sa...

i love white summer dresses

geri hirsch sa...

she does have great style. she never overdoes it which i think is key.

Diana Coronado sa...

Ahhhhh the yellow bag !! cute !!