søndag 11. mai 2008

Wanted: Jeweled Headbands

Har lett etter hårbånd med kule stener siden jeg først så denne artikkelen for et par uker siden. Har fremdeles ikke funnet noen bortsett fra de her som alle kjendisene bruker. Men jeg bruker ikke 1000 kroner på det, så nå vurderer jeg å lage et selv. Har dere sett noen som ligner på de på bildene?
Been looking for jeweled headbands ever since I saw this article, but nobody seems to carry the ones I am looking for. I love this, but I am not forking out 200 dollars for a headband! So, I decided that I have to make this my DIY of the week, because I really want one. Do you girls have any suggestions other than Forever21, asos, ebay and topshop? Like I said I have been looking for a while...

12 kommentarer:

Anonym sa...

How about accessorize? www.monsoon.co.uk/icat/bandos

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes-hope you have success tracking down what you are after-the only thing I can think of is if you make one or customise one with antique lace, beading, sequins or whatever takes your fancy!

I think you are working the real life Carrie Bradshaw-except you are already married-she's not (yet!)ha ha!!

Anonym sa...

Ja, de var kjempefine! Hvis du lager, så må du gi oss en forklaring på hvordan :-)

Kira Aderne sa...

me too!

i wore like nicole´s...
but jewellery would be so much better!

a kiss,

ediot sa...

mm fine ting det her!

Pamcasso sa...

yeah I fell in love with the stacy lapidus one that Mischa is wearing in that picture, and it's like $200. I know it's made of silk and that if you have a similar headband that fits it's not that hard to make one (elastic is only in a small section in the very back which is covered in fabric, the rest is braided silk. I've been trying to find a bead shop with rhinestones or beads with the metal backing on them like those. Let me know if you find any good sources! PS- Thanks for visiting my blog:)

Siljesfashion sa...

lj: Thanks for the tip I will check it out!

sharon rose: Great suggestion!

Studentstil: Det skal jeg gjøre vet du.

Kira: Haha, you love all that sparkles to?

ediot: Ikke sant???

pamcasso: Ah great advice! I was just in town yeasterday looking for a headband that I could use but did not find any as of yet.But know what its made of and I have her websites with the pictures, it should not be that hard. I will keep you ladies posted!

NewlyInspired sa...

I saw this too on wwwd and love them. Free people has some really cute ones on their website. It might be worth making though. I think ill try one.

Salatbolla sa...

Jeg fant flere jeweled headbands på accessorize.. =)

N A D ii A sa...

Det er noen som klarer det!!

Elizabeth sa...

Maybe it's time for a vintage DIY project!

KK sa...

Hei Silje..
Så den flotte artikkelen i Costume og fikk veldig lyst til til å mimre litt..
Klem fra Karin Irene Krog, Eidsberg ungomsskole.. (karin-rosa@hotmail.com (litt feil sted å kontakte deg på, sorry for det)