onsdag 14. mai 2008


Fikk tre tags på fredag, så gjør de på engelsk siden jeg innbiller meg at dere igjen forstår greia..
After being tagged by 3 (!!) fellow bloggers I am finally up for the task.
5. Things found in my purse:
Lipgloss (2-3)
Cellphone (which contains my highly organized life)
5. Favorite Things in my room:
My husband
The closet (contains a lives worth of fashion)
The bed
My vanity table
My Jewelry cases (all the items I love and treasure)
5. Things I have always wanted to do:
Attend Fashion Week in Paris
Style a spread for Vogue
Travel to Paris (going there this summer!!!)
Open a vintage store at my blog
Live of my blog (like the Swedish girls)
5. Things I am currently into:
Promote my blog
My Nine West shoes (really!!)
Summer (dresses)
Reading tons of blogs and discover unique styles by you fashiongirls

Since I was tagged by Juliam, Newlyinspired and lady melbourne I am just going to settle for a quick roundup. Juliam loves her Nine West heels as much as me, newlyinspired has a playful sense of style, lady m has a classy sense of style and love ebay as much as me. If you have not done this yet, consider yourself TAGGED!

19 kommentarer:

Charlotte sa...

You've to post a picture of your Nine West shoes!

Is your bag a Chanel one? Looks cute.

I'm also still missing Agathe. She doesn't answer any mails, she doesn't do any post. Maybe she's bored by posting every day, maybe she's ill. But I'm still worried about her.

Pamcasso sa...

Good that you know where your husband is:) and I'm also obsessed with my Nine Wests. Which do you have? Did they ship to you or did you have to get them on ebay?

Anonym sa...

Fine solbriller!!

Sharon sa...

Your blog is always a source of style inspiration Siljes-keep up the good work!!

Siljesfashion sa...

Charlotte: Go to outfits and look at the one called strawberry dreams. I love`m. Yes its a real Chanel and my favorite handbag. I think its weird she does not answer any emails. I hope she is just bored and nothing else has happened.

pamcasso: Haha, fun!I have the black ones and I overpaid on ebay since they are so popular, but they were worth it!

anneli: Takk,!De er fra Sean Johns nyeste kolleksjon.

sharon rose: You are to cute as always, thanks sooo much!

Miss at la Playa sa...

mmm... I spot nice sunnies!

Ella Gregory sa...

I love the shades!
Cute bag too!

Anonym sa...

i love your deadpan, "my husband" for 5 things found in my room haha ;)

Kira Aderne sa...

those sunglasses are really cool!

love all your adds!
you are amazing!

a kiss!

Mónica sa...

I am going to Paris too this summer, when are u going? I'm going in July:)! Great bag;)

Ida sa...

oooh Paris!! I wish I could go as well, like now:))) you would certainly fit in perfectly with your lovely dresses:)

molly sa...

cooool post! love your purse

Marte sa...

Lipgloss er obligatorisk i vesken:D

Jill sa...

I like your sunglasses and I would love to go to fashion week in Paris too.

Times of Glory sa...

You know this simple posts shows a lot of interesting details of you - it seems putting colour on a sketch! I really enjoy reading it.

Style On Track sa...

Awww.... I love Paris, i think you will love it to, I hope we get lots of photos from your trip ;)

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you so much for all the lovely and funny comments!

jayne: Is that not how it should be? Haha

Kira: Thanks, you are lovely as usual.

atelier: I am going from 27 of june to 1 of july. Are you there then??? If so, lets meet!! I catn wait to go vintage shopping in the city, I have heard its marvelous.

timesof glory: True, funny how small things can say much about a person.

on track: Off course! I am already planning my wardrobe, so tons of pictures will be taken, haha.

Pinton sa...

Jeg skjønner ikke helt. hvorfor har ikke bloggekulturen i Norge tatt av like mye som i Sverige? Synes på mange måter at svenskene er mye flinkere enn nordmenn på generelt mye.. Jeg for min del er blitt hekta og kan ikke vente til å sette pc'en på fnget å trykk i vei:p

Men jeg tagger deg. Artig å se en blogg som stadig blir oppdatert og liker å holde på med det:)
Ha en fin fin dag!

Elizabeth sa...

I love your bag. I love the sunglasses, which are absolutely perfect for you! Nice phone, and lip glosses, too!

I hope you do get to style a spread for Vogue some day, and that you do open a vintage store on your blog. That would be fantastic.