At the terrace

Anyone for fashionable tennis?

Dress: Vintage
Belt: Vintage YSL
Handbag: Zara
Sunnies: H&M
Lørdag kveld var vi invitert i en bursdagsfest på en tennis klubb. Dere vet jo allerede at jeg elsker å pynte meg, så denne kjolen fikk bli med på festen, og danset seg inn i de sene nattetimene.. Gratulerer med dagen M! Og jeg fikk sjansen til å prøve ut mine nye YSL wedger, er de ikke fine? Husk at du fortsatt kan vinne Sex and the City billetter! Se innlegget lenger ned for info.
If you have not noticed already, I am the girl who always love to dress up. I can always find a reason to wear one of my favorite dresses, as tonight at a friends birthdayparty. The party took place at a Tennis Club, and since we were blessed with the most amazing weather all night. We had so much fun and spent the evening drinking, eating and dancing the night away. Dont you just love my new shoes? And yes, I am a shoe addict, in case you wondered...
41 kommentarer:
I love to dress up me too...! You always look stunning :-)
yes, i really love your new shoes - what a pity YSL is unaffordable for me...
These sandals are so stunning, Silje!! Lucky gal, I love them!! Your dress is wonderful-a divine vintage number-you look lovely!
Oooh YES Because THE Fashionista is intrisically Elegant in all circumstances !!!
And Your "shoe-addiction" is always a real "Fetish-Pleasure" . . .
ps: You know, this "tennistique" atmosphere reminds me in Bjorn Borg (When i was very very very very young !!!)
A Bientôt, Antoine
My dear, you skin is just glowing under that dress! The colour is sooooooo beautiful! When you team that belt and wedges, everything just goes together perfectly! I have to say that i love your elegant style no matter where and what!
So carrie B. elsker det!:D
Thanks for your comments on my blog.
You always look fabulous. I love how you mix vintage with the high street so well.
I am addicted to vintage shopping at the moment so I appreciate you great finds.
Wow, the dress and the hair! <3
I love these shoes! You look amazing and very stylish!
you are fantastic!!!
a kiss for you, my dear friend!
god bless u dear
can we exchange our link
r u ready to do?
você é fantástico!
um beijo para você, meu caro amigo!
Deus te abençoe u Caro
podemos trocar os nossos link
r u disposta a fazer?
Kjempestilige sko! : )
Wow, those shoes are gorgeous! you always look so good!
Thanks a lot for the advice on my graduation's dress, I really appreciated it. Finally I wore the left one, because the fular like that was so difficult to hold up with the thin belt. People said the liked it anyway (I hope they are not very cinic, :)
thanks a lot!
Lovely dress!
takk for kommentar på siden min..and ooh pretty shoes!! ;)
skal se om jeg får sent inn på SATC konkuransen din, siste eksamen er i morgen, så kanskje etter det;)
I love to dress up too, dresses just instantly make you look effortlessly chic. I mean its only one peice of fabric but it just looks put together and fashionable. your's is fabulous, very summery! the shoes are to die for! i'm a shoe addict too
Absolutely classy and old fashioned! I love your style and your blog too, you're welcome in my blog roll!
Thanks for your nice comment in my blog!
Take care.
Fresh kjole!
Utrolig bra blogg du har, og elsker hvordan du kombinerer klær fra kjedebutikker med vintage! Flott antrekk forresten. Her kommer jeg nok til å se innom flere ganger! :)
silje, you look fab as always! i love that you put so much effort in your outfits, yet they seem effortless chic! love your new shoes!
har allerede bestilt biletter til filmen :)
Så fint antrekk :)
Silje, that teal tone is just YOUR colour. You look beautiful.
You are so beautiful Silje! I just love the fact that you are smiling and literally glowing in all of your pictures.
As for the outfit, it couldn't be more perfect. From the color to the design to the belt to the wedges to the bag! Breath-taking!!
Pretty dress and bag. I really like the bright combination of blue and pink and you pull them off together so well. I like dressing up too and heels, but I wish I could walk in them better!
amazing pink belt!
love it all!
a kiss!!
such a great color on you, love the whole look! You are going to have so much fun with those shoes!
you're always in nice dresses that im starting to wonder whether im actually a girl right now :) haha
i love your outfit.. its so preetty just like you!! :)
Du ser ljuvlig ut Silje! Mycket ljuvlig!
You're looking so good! The style is so perfect for a party or so at the tennis club.
Love the wedges!
that colour looks lovely on you! i really must get a pair of wedges this summer
if i could find that fringe bag at zara! you look beautiful btw
Uh, blir helt imponert jeg :) Jobber du som videojournalist, hvordan er det?
Du er fantastisk Silje!
Carrie all the way! Perfekt:)
Du er så pen alltid!
This dress is fabulous (love the blue and pink combination). And, those shoes are to die for!
For en fantastisk kjole! Jeg ønsker meg klesskapet ditt!!! Alltid masse fine antrekk på bloggen din!
Awesome Bag! YOu look very cute as always!
hey !
that is so cute to see you in that outfit !
come to Paris, i will photograph you ! lol
i wish you such happiness and the success you deserve
I am just a street style photographer in Paris who humanize fashion with his street style photo romances. you could like i think...
street style romancer in Paris
I absolutely LOVE those shoes. Wow!
Beautiful look !!
Nice election
I love the pink n e blue together. Very very nice combination! & you look great!
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