HBO My favorite: Carrie in season 3, in this vintage shirtdress.
Safaristilen er tidløs, vakker og klassisk. Har du en kjole som denne fra Donna Karan i skapet(H&M har fine kopier)har du en kjole som fungerer både til jobb og fest. Slipp løs din indre Indiana Jones heltinne og finn den stilen som passer deg best, enten det er kjole, shorts eller jakke med belte. Min favoritt er denne vintagekjolen Carrie hadde på seg i SATC sesong 3..
Love the safari chic look for summer. Its classic, timeless and always in style. Perfect for work or play. Dress up your inner Indiana Jones heroine and experiment with kaki dresses with brown wide belts, as seen on the runway at Donna Karan, or go for chic and sexy with a jacket and a shorts for a day of fab shopping. If you prefer the style in small doses, opt for a jacket, a hat or a shirtdress. My favorite is the shirtdress Carrie was wearing in season 3 with those sunglasses, just marvelous. Will you be wearing this trend for summer?
20 kommentarer:
A go go when tanned. A no go when not. Right, dear? Have a fab week.
Jeg har lenge hatt lyst på, men ikke funnet den riktige..
Hi Siljes-yes!! I have a safari short sleeve collarless khaki shirt dress by Warehouse.I got it a couple of years ago and is definitely one of my favourites! I will wear it soon and show you!! This look is so hot for summer!
you are so right, for me, seems fantastic!
a kiss sweetie!
a lovely look, but i have to agree with dotti: you have to be (at least a little bit) tanned to pull it off. right now, i'm still way too pale, but i will be wearing a shirt-dress for summer, for sure.
Dotti dear, I could not agree more. A tan is required for this look!
Amie: Leter selv også ennå..
Sharon Rose: Cant wait to see it, I imagine it must be fab.
Kira: Thanks lovely!
Annabananna: Working on that tan to!
Not quite my style but still very cool to see a safari khaki jacket with a colorful tribal dress.
tror absolutt det kommer til å passe deg. jeg vet ikke- föler at man ser litt for blek ut kanskje.. vet ikke..
men som alle sier- om man har blitt brun så jo- tusen takk for kommentaren.håper du også får en fin uke.
I remember that dress worn by Carrie... I loved it so much! The colour is just soooo neutrally soft and beautiful x
I like this classic look, but I don't know where I would actually wear it.
I like that second DK look. Sleek, and perfect for you.
I totally want a safari styled romper or shirt dress.
This colour and style is really perfect for work: Elegant but casual. I love the Carrie-dress, too.
yeah, i'll be wearing the trend! i love the first michael kors runway photo and Carrie's vintage shirtdress is fab! normally i don't like shirtdresses, but carrie pulls off about anything ^^
Ah, skulle ønske jeg hadde kledd sånt.
oo I've always loved safari chic, flawlessy classic, professional, and it can easily be funked up just as well. I love the kors the most out of your selection, and carrie does no wrong (well except for those hideous fanny packs, belted midriff, and daisy dukes haha)
I loved Carrie's outfit. I also like this trend. I'll be wearing it.
dhiSafarichic er flotters! Og Carrie tar kaka ;)
im still searching for (1) safari outfit (2) place to wear them :)
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