Cardigan: Gina Tricot
Red top: H&M
Skirt: H&M (lowwaisted, but I want it high, so a DIY project)
Sunnies: Oliver People
Shoes: Fab!!
Fikk endelig mine nye gladiatorsko i posten! Er veldig fornøyd med skoene som jeg bestilte hos ebay selgeren AmiShoeStore. Skoene finnes i flere farger og er gode på foten til å være såpass høye. Passer perfekt som kontrast til årets blomstertrend. Med disse skoene blir du garantert kveldens midtpunkt. Anbefales!
Some of you might remember my earlier post about lusting for those blue gladiator heels SJP was wearing. Well, those are out of my budget, but I ordered these thinking they might work. And finally my new shoes arrived! They are from ebay seller AmiShoeStore and a steal! You can get them in several colours and they are really comfortable for such high heels. Perfect as a contrast to this summers flowertrend, it gives an outfit a certain edge.
47 kommentarer:
Går helt greit med meg, har hatt det bedre, brudd er virkelig tøft.. Takk for at du spør :) Ja vi har bestilt samme sko! Gud så nydelige de er! Gleder meg til å få de, men er livredd jeg har bestilt de for små. Hvordan str tok du? Det står på siden at str 8 er 39 så tok det mens andre mente 8 var 38?
Åja, nå ser jeg du har bestilt skoene på ebay, men selgeren må ha fått de hos gojane for det er samme som jeg har bestilt fra gojane.
Angående reklame får jeg 20 prosent på alt hos cocoo, har sett på andre annonser også som betaler penger men tror jeg må vente til jeg fyller 18.
I am always mesmerized by "Fetish-Symbols" . . .Beads of Sweat . . . Or an Arrogant, conqueror finery for your precious "fashionista's Feet" :
What a Powerful -Dominatrix Perspective, "Mistress Silje " !!!!!! (Eeeeuuuuhh . . . Sorry . . . )
A Bientot, Antoine
Wow Siljes-these shoes really rock! I love your outfit-that skirt is fab-low or high waisted!!
Renate: skjønner det, aldri moro med brudd. Bestilte 8 siden 8 amerikansk nesten alltid er 38.5 og de passet perfekt. Betalte du samme som meg? Skjønner den 18 rs greia, men hvordan legger du inn selve reklamen på siden? I html? Tusen takk for hjelpen!
Antoine: Haha, you always make me laugh!
Sharon Rose: Thanks lovely!!
Hvordan er de i størrelsen? Bruker vanligvis 38, men i sort har de bare 37,5 og 38,5..
8 er 38.5, så er du imellom str så passer de perfekt. Tror ikke at 8 er for store om du bruker 38, men email selgeren og be de måle lengden under sålen så kan du sammenligne med et par du har. Det gjør jeg ofte!
OMG, Silje, you look perfection itself - head to toe! All details are just excellently corresponding with one another. And you totally rock the shoes. Immaculate.
Kjempe fine.. jeg har aldri kjøpt noe på ebay snart, men jeg skjønner at jeg må få fingeren ut snart å sette i gang:)
Likte de skoene, kjempe fine! ebay here i come!! ;P
cool idea! so we just added your blog to our blogroll. keep up the good work ;))
love your shoes! actually, the whole outfit is really nice. and i think your skirt is the same design as my (white) h&m summer dress. maybe i should have gotten it in black ;)
We must be style twins! I got some sandals just like that from recently. LOVE them, they look great! Are they comfortable?
amazing shoes!
As embarrassing as this sounds, I'll often turn a low-waisted skirt into a high-waisted one by buying it in a size or two too small :)
im so jealous with ur new shoes..
i just read ur profile and i love how u said u love shopping for vintage!
i hope there are nice vintage shops in asia (so far, i dont think so!)
love love love the shoes and the color is awesome!
Fete fete sko! Like it!
Utrolig lekkert! Fantastiske sko:):)
Åh, fantastisk antrekk, og skoene er kjempekule! Kunne tenkt meg akkurat maken! :D
as always: dødsbra stil og nydelige sko :D
The shoes are great! I haven't seen Fab in Oslo, is it a brand from LA?
gasp! love, love the shoes!
amazing shoes!
Very cute, and good price- are they at all comfortable?
I like your skirt too!
wow, great edgy shoes! wonderful!
Nice. I love the shoe.
That is a steal. Amazing they are comfortable.
So pretty.
Kjempefint! Skoene var hotte!:)
Oh myyy!! Those shoes are a dream!
cathrine og siri malene: få dere en paypal og ebay konto og slipp kreditkortene løs!
Jessie: Thanks, added you as well:-
annabananna: Love the white one to!
postergirl and pamcasso: Haha, funny! Yeah I think they are quite comfortable for this height.
cupcakes: I think thats great!
Pammish: There has to be, I have never been to a country without vintage stores, keep looking!
Charlotte: No, I just wrote fab because I thought they were fabolous! Sorry about the confusion.
Hanne, Mira, Stine og amie, tusen takk!!
stilige klär. digger skjörtet spesielt mye!
They are great shoes. I hear neutral is slimming too? So i guess they have style + body benefits + heels.
Which pretty much makes them perfect.
Great skirt too.
Would you like to exchage links? x
wow! those shoes are really fabulous! i am so happy for you!
a kiss!!!
Molly: haha, thats funny! I do feel tan heels make your legs look longer. Totally, I will ad you right away:-
They're absolutely brilliant. I love the width of the straps, especially.
Great look and the shoes rock.
The shoes are quirky, edgy yet still very sexy! They are truely a good buy!
wow, I am in love with your shoes.I am looking for ones like that. looks great;)!
OMG...I love those heels. They look like the Givenchy ones.
That skirt is so cute! And the shoes are fantastic!
I fall in love with youre shoes!
Fabulous shoes!
I love them so much!
GORGEOUS shoes!!!
beautiful shoes, but I'm more hooked on your hair in this picture, I wish mine would look like that now!(our haircut is very similar but yours is a gorgeous blonde)
those shoes are ridiculously amazing!
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