onsdag 7. mai 2008

This weeks Ebay find

Denne ukens ebay kommer fra selgeren Whistle Jackket og er en oversized vintage clutch i ekte 70tallsstil. Med denne kan du dresse opp og ned et antrekk og den kan bæres under armen eller som en veske (selv har jeg en i blå, som brukes flittig). Vesken er foreløpig på AU 12.50 og aksjonen ender 13 mai. Lykke til med budrunden hvis du bestemmer deg for å by!

This weeks ebay find, that can be yours, is from the seller Whistle Jacket. Its a great vintage oversized clutch in the real 70s fashion spirit. Love that you can carry it under your arm (I have a similar in midnight blue) or as a handbag. The bidding is at AU 12.50 and the auction ends May 13. Happy bidding!!

27 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes!! Thats quite similiar to my find on boot sale sunday (my post on 4 May).That also has handles but with a long strap, too! We have such good taste, don't we!!

Congratulations on your radio debut!!

WendyB sa...


geri hirsch sa...

yes! lets trade links!

Marte sa...

oh, utrolig fin! jeg elsker clutcher, spesielt oversized!:)

Elizabeth sa...

Wow, what a great color. You're a good hunter.

jennifer sa...

Is that suede or velvet? Anyhow, I like it. Though I bet your's looks better in the midnight blue.

Kira Aderne sa...

NIce purse! If we live near...;)

a kiss and a hug!
love your blog!!!
see you,

Danz sa...

It's a nice purse, I like the handle.

Grace's sa...

Pretty vintage bag!^^

Charlotte sa...

You were talking about contacting Agathe from stylebytes per Mail. Did you get an answer? We're still missing her.

Pamcasso sa...

love the texture. Cute find!

Anonym sa...

Å så lekker!

J.M. Powell sa...

tag, you're it, chick. check my blog for the details

styledigger sa...

beutiful color!

NewlyInspired sa...

TAG! Please see my blog lovely!

Ladybird sa...

Må jo elske ebay ;) la oss linke da snella ;)

Siljesfashion sa...

Happy you girls liked it!

Charlotte, I did, still no answer and that was like 5 days ago...

Mónica sa...

Looks good, I am into hippy chic these days too, so thanks for sharing;)

ediot sa...

fin fin fin!
åå. håper du har noen helt fantastiske dager i solen. jeg nyter som bare det. man blir så glad!
ha det bra

Anonym sa...

this is fabulous.
i might take a look at it :)

and yeah i would love to exchange links!
i will add you now :)

Mira sa...

Den var kjempestilig!

Ashleigh sa...

wow great bag! =)

Lady Melbourne sa...

I have tagged you!

Ana sa...

Oh I like the oversized clutch look!

Ella Gregory sa...

OOOOO nice find!

Miss at la Playa sa...

I love that handbag!

Liz Lizo sa...

oh yummy. great buy.