lørdag 10. mai 2008

Lunch and Polkadots

Necklace: Vintage
Dress: H&M
Belt: Vintage, Koma
Shoes: H&M
Handbag: Vintage Chanel
Sunnies: Oliver Peoples
Dessert: Heavenly
Noen av favorittscenene mine fra SATC er når jentene spiser lunch og bare prater. Slik var dagen idag. Fantastisk vær som ble nytt på Cafe M med mine gode venninner. Fikk brukt polkadottkjolen for første gang, og er var veldig fornøyd med resultatet. Elsker 50 tallsformen på denne kjolen, so kan brukes enten med flip flopper eller høye hæler til feks 17 mai. Ha en fantastisk lørdag!
Dont you just love those scenes from SATC when the girls enjoy lunch and good conversation? I had such a fab day with friends in the sun. Eating lunch, enjoying dessert and just talking. Loving the shape of my new polkadott dress from H&M. Its in a great 50s style with tight waist and full skirt. So, you can either dress it up with heels or tone it down with Havainas. Got my magazines, but had so much fun, that I will have to read them tomorrow. Have a great saturday!

23 kommentarer:

Sharon sa...

A perfect dress for a lady who lunches!! Very nice, Siljes!!

Anonym sa...

you look fantastic! that is very fun flirty & fifties (sorry I'm a bit addicted to alliterations), I just wore a fabulous shirt dress yesterday- it's from anthropolgoie & is floral print with a white background, but the collar is navy blue w/ white polka dots :) I had to go all out 50s though haha, so I added my favorite yellow topshop pumps, voila! my mom kind of thought I looked like June Clever, ugg haha

yummy dessert!

Fashion Critic sa...

I LOVE your red polka dot dress. I can't believe it is H&M

Kira Aderne sa...

you are so cute, i love that belt!
so delicious dessert!
i love to eat sweets too!

a kiss and a hug,
see you,

have a nice time!!!

Vertiginoso sa...

YES, this "Feminisssime" Dress is very Elegant, with Refreshing "retro-fifties" effluents !!! AND I'm frankly especially fan of "peep-toes", like a Delightful expression of "fetishist subtlety" . . .

A bientot, Antoine

Anonym sa...

Åh, jeg har sett så mye på den kjolen! Den er sååå fin. Lyst på:-D

Liz Lizo sa...

I love your chanel bag. amazing outfit.

jennifer sa...

I was totally thinking SATC even before I read what you wrote! I love it all; it looks perfect for summer!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

That dress is darling! And your dessert looks delicious.

Fashion Tidbits sa...

love the dress! that dessert looks so yum too.

p.s would you like to trade links?

Elizabeth sa...

I'm not sure what I like better: the dress or the dessert!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

I really love your bag, your outfit is great!! such a fashionista!

Anonym sa...

Oh the red dress is perfect for your - adorable!

Siljesfashion sa...

Thanks, Had such a great day, hope you did too! And I am a sweat tooth, no doubt about it!!!

jayne: Sounds great!

fashion critic: Me neither! One of those great finds.

Thanks Kira!

Antoine: You always have the coolest interpretations- I love retro fifties!

Jennnifer:haha, thats funny!

Fashion tidbits: I have added you to my links!

Anonym sa...

the dress looks so much better on you than only hanging in the store!^^ a really cute outfit!

Pünktchen sa...

Oh, H&M did such a lovely dress?! Maybe I should have a look myself... eeventhough I try to stop shopping polka dots. Anyway, this is about you: you look unbelieveable darling in it. Kisses.

hannah sa...

i love this look. so carrie bradshaw.

kati sa...

That is such a lovely dress! It looks so good with the accessoires!

Marte sa...

Flott antrekk:) jordbærene så gode ut..fristet meg;)

ediot sa...

liker den kjolen-. har nesten samme. som jeg kjöpte på ebay i fjor.. håper du har hatt en fin helg silje

Lil Midget sa...

Dräkten är mycket gullig, Sijle! Love it! x

Ida sa...

Nice dress. H&M really hit it!

AlicePleasance sa...

The dress is o so beautiful! And the dessert looks really yummy ;-)