torsdag 1. mai 2008

A Peak into my wardrobe

Foto: Paul Weaver, Side2
Her kan du lese om mine ti siste motekjøp og hvorfor jeg rett og slett elsker å kjøpe brukt og vintage. Å kjøpe brukt sparer miljøet, du får unike plagg og de tingene du kjøper får en helt spesiell plass i hjertet ditt..
Take a peak into my wardrobe here. Its in Norwegian, but at least you can see the pictures of my 10 latest fashionbuys! Its mainly about how I love to shop vintage, because you get something unique and you save the environment..

18 kommentarer:

Jen Kalban sa...

ooo your collection of sunglasses and accessories is so drool worthy! i wish i could read the article with it!

Rebecca, A Clothes Horse sa...

Oh, you have an amazing wardrobe.

Elizabeth sa...

Very nice, in Norwegian! Love it all.

Anonym sa...

wow so cool you were interviewed and your wardrobe is amazing! very 70s, but in an awesome way. i love the one dress you have on!

Elissa sa...
Denne kommentaren har blitt fjernet av forfatteren.
Elissa sa...

You look fantastic! Great pics!
Going vintage is what's hot!

Sharon sa...

Hi Siljes-Loving your dresses, particularly the lighter blue one!

Just so you know, I did a vintage shopping in London post for you-there is a link from my page of the best places to go!!

Mira sa...

I love you Silje! Jeg linker deg btw!

hanna sa...

veldig bra artikkel, og pene bilder av deg :)

Mimi sa...

Thanks for your comment :)

Kira Aderne sa...


so nice you are, as usual, you are really photogenic :)

i am happy about your interview, good luck!

a kiss and a hug,
thanks for your friendship,

Vertiginoso sa...

a Wardrobe delightfully "Casual-Romantique" ( and Frankly What a natural, mesmerizing presence !!! ). . .
"Vintage Style", synonymous of "Fashion with a SOUL" . . . ?

A Bientot, Antoine

Mónica sa...

Learning Norwegian must be so difficult... hihi. Your wardrobe is amazing

Siljesfashion sa...

Thank you all so much! Wish you could read Norwegian, but I do think you get a sense of the issue with the pictures.
And yes, learning Norwegian is hard!! Not like english at all, hehe.

Mira og Hanna: Tusen takk!

capturedlife sa...

love it all!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Great picture
love her sunglasses
she's gorgeous!

Jen (MahaloFashion) sa...

Ahh then you are gorgeous and a beauty!!! What a great shot of you!

Siljesfashion sa...

Antoine: Thank you for the lovely words!
Thanks Jen, thats very sweet of you!